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Max Boot

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Max A. Boot is a Russian-American author, consultant, editorialist, lecturer, and military historian. He worked as a writer and editor for Christian Science Monitor and then for The Wall Street Journal in the 1990s. He is now Jeane J.
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The Powerful and the Damned book cover
The Powerful and the Damned
Private Diaries in Turbulent Times
Lionel Barber - 2021-02-05
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Step behind the headlines and witness the inner workings of power in our modern world with this riveting diary from a former Financial Times editor. Get exclusive insights into high-level decision making and political calculations during moments of crisis. Featuring close encounters with political figures like Trump, Cameron, Blair, Putin, Merkel, and more, this brutally honest and scurrilously funny portrait of power is a fascinating read for anyone interested in the real scoop behind the news."
Max Boot
.@tunku: The fact that “The Powerful and the Damned” is self-serving and egotistical doesn’t mean that it is not an enjoyable book, at times quite delicious.      источник
The Road Not Taken book cover
The Road Not Taken
Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam
Max Boot - 2018-01-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the life of legendary CIA operative, Edward Lansdale, in this epic biography by best-selling historian Max Boot. Lansdale pioneered a visionary "hearts and mind" diplomacy policy in the Philippines and Vietnam, ultimately crushed by America’s military bureaucracy. Through interviews and never-before-seen documents, Boot recasts this cautionary American story with tragic complexity, tracing Lansdale’s bold rise and crashing fall from the battle of Dien Bien Phu to the humiliating American evacuation in 1975. This "engrossing biography" rescues Lansdale from historical ignominy and suggests that Vietnam could have been different had we only listened, with reverberations that continue to play out in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Road Not Taken is a biography of profound historical consequence.
Max Boot
Want to read a bestselling book that was a Pulitzer finalist in biography for just $2.99? The Kindle edition of "The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam" is now on sale. (Tip of my fedora to @WindsorMann for alerting me.)      источник
John Sipher
Шпион на миллиард долларов book cover
Шпион на миллиард долларов
A True Story of Cold War Espionage and Betrayal
David E. Hoffman - 2015-07-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
Рассказ об Адольфе Толкачеве, самом успешном и ценном агенте Соединенных Штатов в СССР, — это история из эпохи холодной войны. Инженер и конструктор Толкачев не состоял в КПСС, не служил в армии или спецслужбе. Он не стремился к обогащению и не хотел уезжать из страны. Он никогда не был за границей и почти ничего не знал о Соединенных Штатах. Толкачев сам предложил свои услуги Центральному разведывательному управлению и за несколько лет шпионской деятельности передал Соединенным Штатам тысячи страниц ценнейшей секретной документации. Его разоблачение не было результатом ошибки московской резидентуры или хитроумной операции КГБ — его предал бывший сотрудник ЦРУ.
Max Boot
Great book! A real life spy thriller.      источник
Samir AroraJohn SipherDan Stemkoski