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This powerful book takes place in 1980s South India, where landless dalits are oppressed by wealthy reddys brandishing whips and guns. Gita Ramaswamy, a former Naxalist and survivor of the Emergency, joins forces with the laborers to fight against the tyrannical landlords. The story is a personal testimony of struggles and victories, with reflections on failures and regrets. The author is an accomplished translator and former Marxist-Leninist activist who has dedicated her life to social justice.
Meena Kandasamy
2022-06-17T12:33:47.000ZЕсть ли что-то общее между Германией 1933 года и Америкой, избравшей президентом Дональда Трампа? В книге Тимоти Снайдера "О тирании" такое сопоставление не выглядит натяжкой. Автор призывает прислушаться к урокам минувшего века и с их помощью предотвратить скатывание к диктатуре в нынешнем. "Мы не мудрее европейцев, которые видели, как демократия уступает фашизму, нацизму и коммунизму в ХХ веке, — пишет Снайдер. — Наше единственное преимущество в том, что мы можем учиться на их опыте. И сейчас для этого самое время".
Тимоти Снайдер — один из ведущих американских историков, широко известный в Европе, о которой написано большинство его работ.
Meena Kandasamy
2022-01-07T12:54:32.000ZDiscover a world of adventure in this picture book about Charlie Cook's favourite book. Join Charlie as he explores hidden worlds filled with pirates, aliens, and ghosts. Perfect for young readers and fans of THE GRUFFALO, this award-winning team creates a captivating journey through a book that has something for everyone.
Meena Kandasamy
2021-05-04T05:33:28.000ZAn Ohio housewife lattices cherry pies while trying to navigate the overwhelming amount of meaningless information in America. She worries about everything from her family and deceased parents to Weapons of Mass Destruction and hatching an abandoned wood pigeon egg. Ducks, Newburyport is a scorching indictment of America's barbarity and a lament for our impact on the environment. It's a wonder, a heresy, and a revolution in the novel - and it's also very, very funny.
Meena Kandasamy
2019-12-10T12:22:40.000ZA Kurdish-Iranian journalist, illegally detained on Manus Island, shares his first-hand account of five years of incarceration and exile. Laboriously tapped out on a mobile phone and translated from the Farsi, this book is a voice of witness, an act of survival, a cry of resistance, and a vivid portrait of the experience of stateless and imprisoned refugees and migrants worldwide. Winner of the Victorian Prize for Literature, it is an extraordinary account that is disturbingly representative of the current global crisis.
Meena Kandasamy
Julian BurnsideКогда ужин Кореде прерывает очередной звонок ее сестры Айюлы, она уже знает, что от нее потребуется: хлорка, резиновые перчатки, железные нервы и пустой желудок. Ей предстоит спасать нерадивую сестрицу, которая убила уже третьего бойфренда. Кореде стоило бы отправиться прямиком в полицию, но она любит сестру и всегда ее защищает. По крайней мере до тех пор, пока Айюла не начинает встречаться с коллегой Кореде, в которого та безнадежно влюблена.
Meena Kandasamy
The Persistence of Caste
The Khairlanji Murders and India's Hidden Apartheid
"Understanding Caste" takes a hard look at the caste system in India, despite being abolished under the Indian constitution. Using the tragic case of "Khairlanji" in 2006, the book reveals that every eighteen minutes, a crime is committed against a member of the dalit caste. The book argues that the caste system has been assimilated into capitalist and globalising India, and that anti-caste activism has reflected and reinforced negative stereotypes. This insightful and shocking analysis provides a fascinating glimpse into caste dynamics and their existence in a globalised world.
Meena Kandasamy