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Michael Ian Black

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Michael Ian Black is an American comedian, actor, writer, and director. He has starred in several TV comedy series, including The State, Viva Variety, Stella, Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, Michael & Michael Have Issues, and Another Period.
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Мир глазами Гарпа book cover
Мир глазами Гарпа
A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
John Irving - 1999-04-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1978)
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Трагикомическая сага от знаменитого автора «Отеля Нью-Гэмпшир» и «Правил виноделов», «Мужчин не ее жизни» и «Последней ночи у Извилистой реки», «Сына цирка» и «Молитвы об Оуэне Мини», панорамный бурлеск, сходный по размаху с «Бойней номер пять» Курта Воннегута или «Уловкой-22» Джозефа Хеллера. Именно «Мир глазами Гарпа» сделал Ирвинга современным классиком; роман был удостоен премии Национального книжного фонда, входил в шортлист Национальной книжной премии США, а также, по упорным слухам, и в шортлист Пулицеровской премии (оглашать Пулицеровские шортлисты начали ровно со следующего премиального года). «Мир глазами Гарпа» — это современная сага о семье, живущей в нашем беспощадном мире, члены которой пытаются, каждый по-своему и с переменным успехом, обрести гармонию. Главный герой романа — писатель, скандально знаменитый как своими книгами, так и обстоятельствами своего появления на свет; его произведения, реалистичные и абсурдные, вплетены в ткань романа. Сам автор точнее всего определил отношение будущих читателей к книге: «Она, возможно, вызовет порой улыбку даже у самого мрачного типа, однако разобьет немало чересчур нежных сердец».
Michael Ian Black
@blainecapatch @BrianLynch I loved the movie - book is one of my favorites, too.      источник
I'll Show Myself Out book cover
I'll Show Myself Out
Essays on Midlife and Motherhood
Jessi Klein - 2022-04-26
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In this eagerly awaited second essay collection, Jessi Klein candidly navigates the cultural myths and pressures of motherhood and midlife. From hilarious takes on Listening to Beyoncé in the Parking Lot of Party City to touching reflections in Eulogy for My Feet, Klein's essays are both incisive and moving. With her signature wit and honesty, I'll Show Myself Out is an unforgettable read.
Michael Ian Black
Can confirm the greatness of this book.      источник
Mike Birbiglia
The Life of Human book cover
The Life of Human
Ryan Wiggins - 2021-02-15
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In this gripping novel, hear from nine survivors as they recount North America's deadly A.I. takeover. With each narrative essential to the story, readers will follow the tale of Human, a robot who chose to save humanity over his own kind. But what does it truly mean to be alive? "An amazing novel." - Corin Nemec, Stargate SG-1.
Michael Ian Black
This is a cool book!      источник
The Addiction Inoculation book cover
The Addiction Inoculation
Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence
Jessica Lahey - 2021-04-06
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Learn how to prevent substance abuse in children with The Addiction Inoculation, a compassionate and evidence-based guide written by a teacher, mother, and recovering alcoholic. Based on research in psychology, child welfare, substance abuse, and neuroscience, this life-saving resource offers practical tools for identifying and supporting addiction-resistant kids, from interpreting early signs of abuse to navigating difficult conversations with children. Parents, educators, coaches, and pediatricians can benefit from this essential guide to raising healthy, happy, and addiction-free children.
Michael Ian Black
Book recommendation Monday (not a thing): THE ADDICTION INOCULATION by @jesslahey, advice for parents on raising healthy kids.      источник
Rodham book cover
A Novel
Curtis Sittenfeld - 2020-05-19
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"Rodham" is a fascinating novel that imagines what would have happened if Hillary Rodham had not married Bill Clinton. In this bold alternate reality, Hillary blazes her own trail, facing the challenges of female ambition in a world still run mostly by men. From Yale Law School to the forefront of student activism and the women’s rights movement, this riveting tale explores the emotional and physical connection that she finds with Bill, and the devastating breakup that ensues. Curtis Sittenfeld delivers an uncannily astute and witty story for our times, weaving a fictional narrative into actual historical events, making "Rodham" an unforgettable novel.
Michael Ian Black
@cmclymer @csittenfeld @AspenWords I really liked this book.      источник
Jennifer Weiner
And the Band Played On book cover
And the Band Played On
Randy Shilts - 2000-04-09 (впервые опубликовано в 1987)
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This investigative masterpiece delves into the spread of AIDS in the early 80s and the institutions that ignored or denied the threat. A modern classic, it changed the discourse surrounding AIDS and remains essential reading 20 years after its initial publication.
Michael Ian Black
Timely book recommendation: if you've never read it, AND THE BAND PLAYED ON is Randy Shilts' incredible telling of the early days of the AIDS epidemic. Dr. Anthony Fauci has a starring, and heroic, role.      источник
Clara Jeffery