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Mike Matusow

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Michael Matusow is an American professional poker player residing in Henderson, Nevada. Matusow's nickname of "The Mouth" reflects his reputation for trash-talking at the poker table.
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Why Meadow Died book cover
Why Meadow Died
The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America's Students
Andrew Pollack - 2019-09-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the shocking truth behind the Parkland school shooting in this Wall Street Journal bestseller. The author, whose sister was tragically murdered in the attack, teamed up with an education expert to investigate the policies that made the shooting inevitable. The answers they found go beyond the national gun debate and shed light on school safety issues that affect parents, teachers, and schoolchildren nationwide. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the failures and consequences of politically correct policies in our public schools.
Mike Matusow
This is a must read book on what really happened during Parkland shootings last yr! A must read by everyone      источник