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Nate Berkus

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Nathan Jay Berkus is an American interior designer, author, and television personality. He runs the Chicago interior design firm Nate Berkus Associates and was a regularly featured guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, offering design advice to viewers as well as coordinating surprise make-overs for people's homes.
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Growing Up Getty book cover
Growing Up Getty
The Story of America's Most Unconventional Dynasty
James Reginato - 2022-07-05
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Discover the captivating world of one of the wealthiest and most intriguing dynasties of our time with Growing Up Getty. This enthralling book delves into the captivating lives of J. Paul Getty's descendants, including the successes and struggles of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. From media moguls and environmental champions to music icons and LGBTQ rights activists, this family is leaving its mark on a global stage. Get unprecedented access to family journals, letters, and interviews with family members and friends in this comprehensive and fascinating look at the benefits and burdens of being ultra-wealthy. Perfect for fans of Succession, The House of Gucci, The Cartiers, and Fortune's Children.
Nate Berkus
This month's #NatesReads is "Growing up Getty" by #VanityFair writer James Reginato. It’s a page turner! Having met some of the Getty family, I found this book incredibly intriguing to dive deeper into the family. Head to shop this read.      источник
До самого рая book cover
До самого рая
A Novel
Hanya Yanagihara - 2022-01-11
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Новый роман Ханьи Янагихары, автора мировых бестселлеров "Маленькая жизнь" и "Люди среди деревьев", — это и неординарный интеллектуальный вызов, и меткое попадание в каждое сердце. В альтернативной версии Америки 1893 года, когда отпрыск влиятельной семьи соглашается на достойный брак по договору, его внезапно настигает страсть, грозящая разрушить привычную жизнь. В 1993 году молодой гаваец прячет от близких свое знатное происхождение и сложные отношения с отцом. В 2093 году внучка большого ученого нащупывает собственный путь в мире эпидемий и тотального контроля. Их судьбы сплетаются в сложную симфонию, странным эхом перекликаясь через столетия и проходя вечные человеческие испытания: одиночество, любовь, стыд, болезнь, предательство, добро и зло — все эти неуловимые вещи, то и дело норовящие обернуться своей противоположностью.
Nate Berkus
This month’s Nate’s Reads is “To Paradise” written by the inspired @hanyayanagihara (who happens to have written my favorite book). Highly anticipated after reading her other novels, this story had me absolutely captivated. Head to to shop!      источник
Jonny Geller
Mayflies book cover
A Novel
Andrew O'Hagan - 2020-09-01
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A coming-of-age novel that explores the profound themes of life, death, and friendship. Set in a small Scottish town in 1986, two friends, James and Tully, make a vow to live life differently. Thirty years later, Tully's news forces them to confront mortality and examine their obligations to each other. Mayflies is a poignant examination of human connection and the meaning of love in the face of tragedy.
Nate Berkus
For May’s Nate’s Reads, I recommend “Mayflies” by Andrew Hagan. I really enjoyed this book, about a lifelong friendship ignited in a small town in Scotland. Head to to shop it now!      источник
Nicola Sturgeon
Aftermath book cover
Emily Barth Isler - 2021-09-07
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Aftermath is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Lucy, who struggles to fit in with her new schoolmates after the loss of her brother to a heart defect. Lucy feels isolated amidst her classmates who were survivors of a shooting that happened four years ago. But ultimately, through friendships and a newfound love for after-school mime class, Lucy learns that love is the most powerful tool to overcome grief. This book is recommended by writer, actor, and activist Amy Schumer.
Nate Berkus
This month’s Nate’s Reads is “Aftermath” by Emily Barthisler. This book touches on an extremely sensitive and timely topic about children handling grief in the aftermath of tragedy. Head to to shop it now.      источник
Элегантность ежика book cover
Элегантность ежика
Muriel Barbery - 2008-09-02 (впервые опубликовано в 2006)
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Девочка-подросток, умная и образованная не по годам, пожилая консьержка, изучающая философские труды и слушающая Моцарта, богатый японец, поселившийся на склоне лет в роскошной парижской квартире... Что связывает этих людей, как меняется их жизнь после того, как они случайно находят друг друга, - об этом читатель узнает, открыв этот прекрасный, тонкий, увлекательный роман. "Элегантность ежика", второй роман французской писательницы Мюриель Барбери, прославил ее имя не только во Франции, но и во многих других странах. Она страстно влюблена в творчество Л.Н.Толстого и культуру Японии, и обе эти страсти она выразила своей книге.
Nate Berkus
Starting the month off with a new #NatesReads recommended by my sister-in-law - ‘The Elegance of the Hedgehog’ by Muriel Barbery. This book has a storyline that reminds us that appearances are not everything. To shop:      источник
Маленькая жизнь book cover
Маленькая жизнь
Hanya Yanagihara - 2015-03-10
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Американская писательница Ханья Янагихара создала необычный роман, где и о страшном, и о радостном говорится без лишнего надрыва и сентиментальности. Четверо друзей - талантливый архитектор Малкольм, начинающий актер Виллем, уверенный в собственной неповторимости художник Джей-Би и гениальный юрист и математик Джуд - пытаются добиться успеха в Нью-Йорке, но оказывается, что ни карьера, ни деньги, ни слава не могут справиться с прошлым, если оно сильнее жизни…
Nate Berkus
July #NatesReads is here + this month I’ve chosen the 3 books I will NEVER give away. They are: “A Million Little Pieces” by James Frey, “After Visiting Friends” by @MichaelHainey, & “A Little Life” by @YanagiharaHanya. Head to to shop them now.      источник
After Visiting Friends book cover
After Visiting Friends
A Son's Story
Michael Hainey - 2013-02-19
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After Visiting Friends is a memoir of a son's journey to uncover the truth about his father's sudden death, which had haunted him for years. Michael Hainey, a seasoned journalist, delves into the world of competitive newspapers and hard-living men, and discovers new truths about his family's legacy of secrets. This stirring memoir is a rare window into a world that no longer exists.
Nate Berkus
July #NatesReads is here + this month I’ve chosen the 3 books I will NEVER give away. They are: “A Million Little Pieces” by James Frey, “After Visiting Friends” by @MichaelHainey, & “A Little Life” by @YanagiharaHanya. Head to to shop them now.      источник
A Million Little Pieces book cover
A Million Little Pieces
James Frey - 2005-09-22 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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Experience the raw reality of drug and alcohol abuse in a literary voice that will leave you captivated. A Million Little Pieces portrays the unique struggles and challenges of rehabilitation in a way that has never been told before. Be warned, this book is intense and unpredictable, but also a must-read for anyone seeking a riveting and unflinching account of addiction and recovery.
Nate Berkus
July #NatesReads is here + this month I’ve chosen the 3 books I will NEVER give away. They are: “A Million Little Pieces” by James Frey, “After Visiting Friends” by @MichaelHainey, & “A Little Life” by @YanagiharaHanya. Head to to shop them now.      источник
Taking the Stress Out of Homework book cover
Taking the Stress Out of Homework
Organizational, Content-Specific, and Test-Prep Strategies to Help Your Children Help Themselves
Abby Freireich, Brian Platzer - 2021-03-02 (впервые опубликовано в 2020)
Рейтинг Goodreads
"As a mother of three, this book's practical road map for helping our kids learn independently is invaluable. This should be a must-read for all parents." --Jenna Bush Hager...
Nate Berkus
March’s #NatesReads is for the parents: “Taking the Stress Out of Homework” by @abbyfreireich + @BPlatzer is the book we all need right now, AM I RIGHT?! Written by 2 long-time teachers, it breaks down when & how to offer homework support. See the link in my bio for more 📚.      источник
The Searcher by Tana French
The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni
Islandborn by Junot Díaz
Ella Fitzgerald by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
The Bishop's Daughter by Honor Moore
Шантарам by Gregory David Roberts
Navajo Textiles by Nancy J. Blomberg