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Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.
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Гроздья гнева book cover
Гроздья гнева
John Steinbeck - 2014-04-10 (впервые опубликовано в 1939)
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«В душах людей наливаются и зреют гроздья гнева — тяжелые гроздья, и дозревать им теперь уже недолго...» Культовый роман Джона Стейнбека «Гроздья гнева» впервые был опубликован в Америке в 1939 году, получил Пулицеровскую премию, а сам автор позднее был награжден Нобелевской премией по литературе. На сегодняшний день «Гроздья гнева» входят во многие учебные программы школ и колледжей США. Во время Великой депрессии семья разоренных фермеров вынуждена покинуть свой дом в Оклахоме. По знаменитой «Road 66» через всю Америку, как и миллионы других безработных, они едут, идут и даже ползут на запад, в вожделенную Калифорнию. Но что их там ждет? И есть ли хоть какая-то надежда на светлое будущее?
Nelson Mandela
I read many American novels, and recall especially John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, in which I found many similarities between the plight of the migrant workers in that novel and our own laborers and farm-workers.      источник
Война и мир book cover
Война и мир
Leo Tolstoy - 1998-06-25 (впервые опубликовано в 1867)
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«Война и мир» — произведение одного из величайших писателей мира, русского прозаика и мыслителя Л. Н. Толстого (1828–1910).*** Это масштабный роман-эпопея, в котором автор с непревзойденным мастерством описывает русское общество в эпоху войны с Наполеоном (1805 — 1812). В романе множество сюжетных линий, разнообразие героев, которые находятся в поиске правды и добра. После «Войны и мира» он получил широкое распространение в русской и мировой литературе. Произведение является обязательной частью школьной программы Толстой известен как автор и других замечательных произведений: «Живой труп», «Моя жизнь», «Смерть Ивана Ильича», «Хаджи-Мурат», «Рассказы для детей».
Nelson Mandela
One book that I returned to many times was Tolstoy’s great work, War and Peace.      источник
Ernest HemingwaySusan J. Fowler
Red Star over China book cover
Red Star over China
The Classic Account of the Birth of Chinese Communism
Edgar Snow - 1994-02-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1937)
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Discover the birth of the Communist movement in China through the eyes of the first Westerner to meet Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese Communist leaders in 1936. In Red Star Over China, Edgar Snow gives us the first authorized account of Mao's life and a history of the famous Long March. This classic work includes extensive notes on military and political developments in China, further interviews with Mao Tse-tung, and a chronology covering 125 years of Chinese revolution. Learn about the men and women who were instrumental in making China what it is today in nearly a hundred detailed biographies.
Nelson Mandela
In Edgar Snow’s brilliant Red Star Over China I saw that it was Mao’s determination and nontraditional thinking that led him to victory.      источник
On War book cover
On War
The Classic Book of Military Strategy
Carl von Clausewitz - 1989-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1832)
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Discover the "only truly great book on war" that provides an all-embracing theory on warfare. Carl von Clausewitz's On War delivers sharp observations, biting irony, and memorable phrases such as, "War is a continuation of politics by other means." Written by a Prussian army veteran inspired by his fateful experience in the 1806 Battle of Jena-Auerstedt, this book is unmatched by any other on military literature.
Nelson Mandela
Clausewitz’s central thesis, that war was a continuation of diplomacy by other means, dovetailed with my own instincts.      источник
The Conservationist book cover
The Conservationist
Nadine Gordimer - 1983-02-24 (впервые опубликовано в 1974)
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This book delves into the life of a wealthy man in South Africa whose possessions refuse to remain mere objects. His life takes an unexpected turn when his wife, son, and mistress decide to leave him. His foreman and workers become indifferent to him, and his farm suffers from droughts and floods. Explore the themes of loss, privilege, stewardship, and the impact of one's actions on the land.
Nelson Mandela
I read all the unbanned novels of Nadine Gordimer and learned a great deal about the white liberal sensibility.      источник
July's People book cover
July's People
Nadine Gordimer - 1982-07-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1981)
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Follow one family's journey as they are forced to leave the safety of their liberal white lifestyle and seek refuge in their servant's African village. In the midst of the deteriorating situation that has devastated South Africa, the Smaleses must navigate the complexities of the cultural divide between themselves and their rescuer, July. Nadine Gordimer's Nobel Prize-winning novel explores the terrifying misunderstandings and unspoken tensions that exist between black and white communities in this unforgettable read.
Nelson Mandela
I read all the unbanned novels of Nadine Gordimer and learned a great deal about the white liberal sensibility.      источник
Burger's Daughter book cover
Burger's Daughter
Nadine Gordimer - 1980-11-20 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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A powerful novel set in South Africa that follows the story of a young woman attempting to uphold her revolutionary heritage while discovering her own identity. The book provides a revealing portrayal of the country and its history.
Nelson Mandela
I read all the unbanned novels of Nadine Gordimer and learned a great deal about the white liberal sensibility.      источник