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Nick Clegg

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Sir Nicholas William Peter Clegg is a British former politician who served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015 and as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015.
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The War Within book cover
The War Within
Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad
Alexis Peri - 2017-01-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience the unendurable Leningrad blockade from the perspective of those who endured it in The War Within. Author Alexis Peri draws upon 125 unpublished diaries, chronicling the toll of starvation, bombardment, and disease on the city's people during one of the longest and deadliest sieges in modern history. The diaries also reveal how Leningraders reexamined Soviet life and ideology from new, critical perspectives. But in a bitter twist, the diarists became victims not only of Hitler but also of Stalin after the blockade was lifted. This book sheds light on one of World War II's darkest episodes.
Nick Clegg
This year’s winner of the Pushkin Prize for non fiction literature, which I chaired, is an extraordinary book. An unflinching study of the unimaginable horrors of the blockade of Leningrad. Must read for anyone wanting to understand how wartime Russia suffered.      источник