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Paulo Coelho

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Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist, best known for his novel The Alchemist. In 2014, he uploaded his personal papers online to create a virtual Paulo Coelho Foundation.
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Karnali Blues book cover
Karnali Blues
Buddhisagar - 2010-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Karnali Blues is a moving story about the evolution of a father-son relationship in a backwater district of Nepal. With its carefully drawn characters and simple yet powerful writing, this universally relatable book explores themes of love, childhood, survival, and the struggle for dignity in the face of change. This widely read Nepali novel is a must-read for anyone seeking a touching and authentic portrayal of human relationships.
Paulo Coelho
@sauravnutan @MBLivre yes, I did. Great, great book by @buddhisagar      источник
Бхагавад-гита book cover
Eknath Easwaran - 2003-01-01
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«Бхагавад-гита» («Песня Бога») — фрагмент длиннейшей поэмы в мире, древнеиндийского эпоса «Махабхарата». Как и Ветхий Завет, «Махабхарата» — это не цельное повествование, а собрание историй. В «Бхагавад-гите» происходит разговор принца Арджуны и его возничего, воплощения бога-хранителя Вишну, Кришны. Этот отрывок давно перерос саму «Махабхарату» и стал самостоятельной книгой — одной из самых священных книг не только индуизма, но и всего человечества, указывающей путь искателям истины. Перевод книги выполнен Борисом Гребенщиковым — поэтом, музыкантом, композитором и исполнителем.
Paulo Coelho
“Do not yield to this degrading impotence, Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise” (Bhagavad Gita, a book that everybody should read)      источник
Hatching Twitter book cover
Hatching Twitter
A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal
Nick Bilton - 2013-11-05
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This book tells the dramatic story of Twitter's rise to fame, focusing on the power struggles and bitter fights between its four founders - Evan Williams, Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey, and Noah Glass. Author Nick Bilton, a journalist for The New York Times, goes behind the scenes to reveal the gripping drama of their betrayed friendships and high-stakes battles for influence, control, and publicity. Bilton's exhaustive reporting and unprecedented access produces an intimate portrait of the four friends who accidentally changed the world.
Paulo Coelho
The right book for the right moment: "Hatching Twitter", by @nickbilton . Great article >      источник
Casey NeistatJeff Morris Jr.