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Peter Rollins

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Peter Rollins is a Northern Irish writer, public speaker, philosopher, producer and radical theologian.
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Emancipation After Hegel book cover
Emancipation After Hegel
Achieving a Contradictory Revolution
Todd McGowan - 2019-05-28
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover a new perspective on the thought of Hegel with "Emancipation After Hegel". Author Todd McGowan offers a radical reinterpretation of the often-misunderstood philosopher's ideas, making them accessible and relevant to contemporary politics. Through a focus on contradiction, McGowan argues that Hegel's thought provides a way forward for confronting urgent challenges like economic inequality and authoritarianism. This book is a must-read for those seeking a new politics of emancipation that embraces the inevitability of contradiction and fosters solidarity in our shared struggles.
Peter Rollins
@poetryforsupper @trippfuller You’d enjoy that book by McGowan. It’s a fantastic book and a great intro to Hegel’s overall project      источник