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Phumzile Van Damme

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Phumzile Van Damme is a Democratic Alliance Member of the National Assembly of South Africa who was elected at the 2014 South African general election. She is the Shadow Communications Minister and is a former Spokesperson for the Democratic Alliance. She was educated at Lyttelton Manor High School and graduated from Rhodes University in 2007.
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How Beautiful We Were book cover
How Beautiful We Were
A Novel
Imbolo Mbue - 2021-03-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
This powerful novel tells the story of a small African village facing environmental devastation caused by an American oil company. The people of the village are left with few options but to fight back against a corrupt government and profit-driven corporation. Through the eyes of a generation of children and the family of a revolutionary girl named Thula, the novel explores the themes of ancestral land, sacrifice, and the collision of colonialism with modern exploitation.
Phumzile Van Damme
New read! Imbolo Mbue’s “How Beautiful We Were.” It is brilliant. I started reading it 2 hours ago, a quarter of the way through & there’s no way I’ll be sleeping tonight. Isn’t it the best feeling to find an unputdownable book? The best.      источник
Indaba My Children book cover
Indaba My Children
African Folktales
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa - 1998-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1964)
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Discover the rich tapestry of African tribal life in this internationally acclaimed collection of folk tales. Indaba, My Children takes readers on a captivating journey through the history of Africa, from the time of the Phoenicians to the present day. These stories have shaped the continent we know today, offering a window into the beliefs, customs, and wisdom of African cultures. Immerse yourself in this captivating collection that celebrates the vibrant heritage and traditions of Africa.
Phumzile Van Damme
If I may recommend a book on this Heritage Day. Credo Mutwa’s “Indaba, My Children.” It is life changing.      источник
Strategy book cover
A History
Lawrence Freedman - 2013-10-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the vast history of strategic thinking with Sir Lawrence Freedman's "Strategy: A History," which captures the evolution of strategy across various domains from military and politics to economics and corporate planning. Freedman's narrative moves seamlessly from Sun Tzu and Machiavelli's ancient philosophies to Alfred Sloan's modern business strategies, reflecting on how each of them adapted to their environment and challenges. A thought-provoking read that challenges our perceptions of control and adaptation in the face of the unpredictable.
Phumzile Van Damme
Reading this book by Sir Lawrence Freedman. He is one of the world's leading authorities on war & international politics. Freedman writes about the evolution of strategic thinking throughout the ages, from primates to present-day humans. A fascinating & enthralling read thus far.      источник