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Randy Pitchford

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Randy Pitchford is an American businessman. He co-founded video game development studio Gearbox Software in 1999, and serves as president and chief executive officer for the company.
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Own Your Magic book cover
Own Your Magic
A Magician's Guide to Protecting Your Intellectual Property
Sara J. Crasson Esq. - 2019-09-06
Learn how to protect your intellectual property as a magician from lawyer and performer Sara Crasson in Own Your Magic. With discussions on patents, copyrights, and trademarks, this book is a must-read for any magician out there. Featuring a foreword by David Copperfield.
Randy Pitchford
I know some magicians follow me. If that’s you, I found an interesting and accessible book that really simplifies protecting your work: “Own Your Magic: A Magician's Guide to Protecting Your Intellectual Property”      источник