5 книг в списке
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Explore the most authoritative anthology of William Shakespeare's work with The Oxford Shakespeare. Featuring the texts of all the plays and poems, this anthology is the result of extensive research and presents the most comprehensive examination of the nature and authority of Shakespeare's work. This updated second edition includes previously unrecognized authentic works by Shakespeare to establish the canon and chronological order of composition. With an introduction to each work, illuminating general introduction, and additional secondary material, this anthology is an essential addition to any Shakespeare lover's collection.
Ricardo Semler
Прошу детей простить меня за то, что я посвятил эту книжку взрослому. Скажу в оправдание: этот взрослый мой самый лучший друг. И еще: он понимает все на свете, даже детские книжки. И, наконец, он живет во Франции, а там сейчас голодно и холодно. И он очень нуждается в утешении. Если же все это меня не оправдывает, я посвящу книжку тому мальчику, каким был когда-то мой взрослый друг. Ведь все взрослые сначала были детьми, только мало кто из них об этой помнит. Итак, я исправляю посвящение:
Леону Верту, когда он был маленький.

An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (Bollingen Series XX
Discover the groundbreaking work of C. G. Jung on synchronicity, the inexplicable coincidences and juxtapositions that fascinate us all. From his early discussions with Albert Einstein to his final correspondence with Wolfgang Pauli, Jung's research into psychic phenomena is presented in this classic work, originally published in 1952. Learn about his astrological experiment to test his theory and delve into a wealth of historical and contemporary material. This paperback edition includes a new foreword by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London.
Ricardo Semler
Explore the fundamentals of psychologist C. G. Jung's psychological system in this insightful work. Discover the archetypes and the collective unconscious through essays outlining Jung's theories on the psychology of the unconscious and the relationship between the ego and the unconscious. This book includes original versions of the essays in an informative appendix.
Discover a fascinating collection of parables and paradoxes from a renowned author's novels, short stories, and personal letters. This bilingual book will take you on a journey through Kafka's thought-provoking and often enigmatic works, offering unique insights into his world and his unique style of storytelling.