Richard Branson
Рекомендованные Книги
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group in the 1970s, which controls more than 400 companies in various fields. Branson expressed his desire to become an entrepreneur at a young age
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Experience the beauty and danger of surfing in William Finnegan's memoir, "Barbarian Days". This coming-of-age story takes readers on a global journey as Finnegan chases waves and navigates life's ups and downs. From a whites-only gang in Hawaii to a picturesque fishing village in Samoa, Finnegan explores the complexities of close male friendships, social upheavals, sexual politics, and more. This book is an adventure story, an intellectual autobiography, and an extraordinary exploration of the mastery of a little-understood art. It's no wonder why some call it the finest surf book ever written.
Richard Branson
2022-08-09T10:33:03.000Z"Hey Grandude!" is a thrilling children's picture book about a super-cool grandfather who takes his four grandkids on magical adventures across the world. With his trusty magic compass, they ride flying fish, dodge stampedes, and escape avalanches! Written by Paul McCartney and illustrated by Kathryn Durst, this is the perfect bedtime story for little explorers who love to go on exciting journeys with their grandparents.
Richard Branson
2019-09-17T11:45:08.000ZОднажды Стив Джобс дал совет: "Оставляйте вмятину во Вселенной". Гай Кавасаки тот человек, который не просто оставил вмятину, а продырявил Вселенную насквозь. Джобс не был впечатлен его кандидатурой при приеме на работу, тем не менее Кавасаки добился в Apple выдающихся результатов, заставив весь мир фанатеть от их продукции. Эта книга не является автобиографией, скорее это коллекция поучительных историй, которые дают знания. Она содержит 183 мудрых совета от иконы Кремниевой долины, многие из которых бесценны, а некоторые стоят более 2,5 миллиардов долларов.
Richard Branson
2019-04-15T15:25:07.000ZDiscover essential life skills with GQ How to Win at Life. From fashion to food, romance to travel, this book covers everything with personal expertise, interviews from foremost authorities, and wisdom from GQ's editors. Learn how to barbecue perfectly, make the definitive Dirty Martini, dance without looking like a dad, saber champagne, survive a dog attack, and much more, highlighted by bold illustrations and step-by-step instructions. With 8 chapters and 75 entries, this book is the ultimate guide to living smart and looking sharp.
Richard Branson
2018-11-02T12:15:14.000ZThis book tells the story of a man who spent thirty years on death row for a crime he didn't commit. Despite his wrongful imprisonment, he finds hope and joy through the power of reading and is ultimately able to transform himself and those around him. With a foreword by a civil rights attorney, this powerful memoir showcases the strength of the human spirit in the face of injustice.
Richard Branson
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...
Encounters with Remarkable People and Their Most Valuable Advice
Get valuable life advice from 50 influential voices in If I Could Tell You Just One Thing. This engaging collection features specially commissioned pen-and-ink portraits paired with illuminating essays, gathered together in a handsome package with embossed cover and pop of color on the page edges. Surprising, entertaining, and encouraging, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Richard Branson
Oli BarrettThis book introduces the modern evolution of business: profit for purpose and purpose for profit. Learn how purpose and profit are becoming increasingly linked and explore real-world strategies for boosting productivity and performance while making a positive social impact. From the overall mission to day-to-day operations, this book provides actionable strategies for interweaving purpose and profit for long-term success. Make your business impact the world in a positive way with key insights and proven strategies.
Richard Branson
2018-02-12T00:00:00.000Z1960 год.
Веха между "золотыми пятидесятыми" и "бунтарскими шестидесятыми".
Старая, консервативная Америка медленно умирает - а новая только-только рождается. Что же происходит со страной в этот ключевой момент?
Летопись Америки 1960 года - в удивительной книге Джона Стейнбека, в которой одна из вечных тем его творчества - дорожная - становится основополагающей.
Писатель и его пудель Чарли колесят на грузовичке по городам и весям США - от провинциального Юга до больших городов.
Они ищут подлинную Америку.
Но где они найдут ее - там, где упорно цепляются за прошлое, или там, где зарождается будущее?
Richard Branson
2016-12-16T00:00:00.000ZDiscover a charming classic children's poem, retold by Edward Lear and illustrated by Jan Brett in a perfect match. Join an elegant owl and a beautiful cat as they fall in love, and follow an illustrated subplot of two yellow fish who also find love under a pea-green boat. Brett's research adds depth to the story by incorporating authentic settings, costume details, plants, and fish native to the Caribbean. This picture book is perfect for readers from ages 3-7.
Richard Branson
2015-09-18T14:06:15.000ZСвоеобразный антипод второй великой антиутопии XX века - "О дивный новый мир" Олдоса Хаксли. Что, в сущности, страшнее: доведенное до абсурда "общество потребления" - или доведенное до абсолюта "общество идеи"?
По Оруэллу, нет и не может быть ничего ужаснее тотальной несвободы...
Little Wins by Paul Lindley
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Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
Ending the War on Drugs by Richard Branson
Оригиналы by Adam Grant
Принцип "черного ящика" by Matthew Syed
Lost Ocean by Johanna Basford
Winners by Alastair Campbell
Limitless by Ajaz Ahmed
Big World, Small Planet by Johan Rockström
Arctica by Sebastian Copeland
A Full Life by Jimmy Carter
Dear Stranger by Penguin Uk
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
Remote by Jason Fried
Self Belief by Jamal Edwards
Не бойся действовать by Sheryl Sandberg
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A Time for New Dreams by Ben Okri
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В защиту еды by Michael Pollan
Земля без людей by Alan Weisman
Happiness by Matthieu Ricard
Неизвестный Мао by Jung Chang
An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
The Weather Makers by Tim Flannery
Longitude by Dava Sobel
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
Автостопом по галактике by Douglas Adams
За горами - горы by Tracy Kidder
Тихий американец by Graham Greene
Битва за космос by Tom Wolfe
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Сто лет одиночества by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
В Патагонии by Bruce Chatwin
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Остров сокровищ by Robert Louis Stevenson
В сердце моря by Nathaniel Philbrick
No Future Without Forgiveness by Desmond Tutu
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
В разреженном воздухе by Jon Krakauer
Сталинград by Antony Beevor
The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart
Краткая история времени by Stephen Hawking
The Overview Effect by Frank White
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
Поэтому птица в неволе поёт by Maya Angelou
Маугли by Rudyard Kipling
Tales of the Unexpected by Roald Dahl
Это только начало! by Dr. Seuss
Great Expectations SparkNotes Literature Guide by Sparknotes