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Discover the chilling world of slave ships in The Slave Ship by Marcus Rediker. Through meticulous research and firsthand accounts, Rediker delves into the grim reality of British and American slave ships in the eighteenth century, revealing the floating dungeons that gave birth to African American culture. This riveting and sobering account sheds light on a world nearly lost to history.
Rutger Bregman
2022-06-15T10:19:56.000ZDiscover new strategies for advocating a vegan lifestyle in How to Create a Vegan World. Tobias Leenaert challenges the traditional methods of animal advocacy and proposes a more pragmatic approach to create a vegan society. This thought-provoking book is filled with valuable insights for activists, leaders, and entrepreneurs alike.
Rutger Bregman
2021-06-16T12:48:17.000ZGain a new perspective and make better decisions with Julia Galef's The Scout Mindset. Humans tend to defend their beliefs, even if they're wrong. But by adopting a scout mindset, we can learn to survey the terrain and seek the truth. Galef shows us that scouts aren't necessarily smarter or more knowledgeable, but have developed emotional skills and habits that anyone can learn. Using examples from survival stories to CIA operatives, The Scout Mindset explains how to overcome biases and see the world as it truly is.
Rutger Bregman
Как приручить лису (и превратить в собаку)
Сибирский эволюционный эксперимент
В 1959 г. биологи из Академгородка Дмитрий Беляев и Людмила Трут начали эксперимент с несколькими десятками лисиц, содержавшихся на сибирских зверофермах. Лисы относятся к семейству псовых, и ученые хотели воспроизвести в реальном времени ход эволюции от волка к собаке, увидеть, как протекает процесс одомашнивания.
В этой книге читатель найдет необыкновенную историю этого революционного эксперимента. «Как приручить лису» — не только удивительный рассказ о повседневной работе ученых, но и подлинный гимн тем теснейшим узам, которые вот уже много тысячелетий связывают нас и домашних животных.
Rutger Bregman
2020-05-21T14:10:25.000ZDiscover the unvarnished and sometimes shocking history of feminism as a history of difficult women. In this book, Helen Lewis introduces us to the complicated, contradictory, and imperfect pioneers who fought for equal rights, even as they fought against each other. Through archival research and interviews, Lewis shows why the feminist movement has succeeded - and what it should do next. Brave, bold, and fearless, Difficult Women is a humorous and engaging narrative that reminds us that it's time to reclaim the history of feminism as a history of difficult women.
Rutger Bregman
2020-05-02T16:21:19.000Z"The Triumph of Injustice" is a groundbreaking exploration into the drastic increase in wealth of the ultra-rich contrasted with the decrease in their taxes. Through a combination of historical research and modern economic analysis, this book sheds light on the complex flaws of America's tax system while offering revolutionary reinventions for a fairer society. Written by two esteemed economists, this book is a must-read for anyone concerned about inequality."
Rutger Bregman
2019-09-22T11:34:02.000ZThis groundbreaking book has gained worldwide recognition and is endorsed by top industry leaders. It delves into the history and impact of GDP growth on individuals' everyday lives. With insights from global elites like former UK central bank governor Mervyn King and US economist Taylor Cowen, readers will gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Highly recommended for those interested in economics and development.
Rutger Bregman
2019-03-22T19:53:57.000ZUncover the chilling truth behind one of social psychology’s most controversial studies, the Robbers Cave experiment, in this investigative history. Split into two warring groups and encouraged to bully and demonize each other, a group of American boys attended a remote summer camp in 1954. The experiment, conducted by psychologist Muzafer Sherif at the height of the Cold War, had a happy ending as the boys reconciled, proving that under the right conditions, warring groups can make peace. But the true story, far more complex and dramatic, is revealed by author Gina Perry through archival material and new interviews with the now-70-year-old subjects, who were unaware their summer camps were experimental ruses. Don't miss this fascinating exploration of human behavior and the consequences of the Robbers Cave experiment.
Rutger Bregman