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Samantha Power

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Samantha Jane Power is an Irish-American academic, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author who served as the 28th United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2013 to 2017. She is a member of the Democratic Party.
16 книг в списке
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Откровенно book cover
Andre Agassi - 2009-11-09
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openHuman Story of a Sporting Hero Filled with ImpressionThe best of the tennis world superstar Andre Agassi. A story like his blues and roller coasters begins. Full of fascinating and touching content, [Open] is full of energetic frankness and embodies Andre Agassis life journey. This is not a plain autobiographical autobiographical autobiography of the average athlete, but a sophisticated and intoxicating book that, as the title boldly reveals, is a painful chronicle of Agassis confession of identity and tranquility that he has been searching for on and off the tennis courts all his life, It is a memoir of Andre Agassi moving alive....
Samantha Power
@ryangrim One of the best books I’ve ever read.      источник
Selected Stories book cover
Selected Stories
Eilis Ni Dhuibhne (Irish Literature)
Eilis Ni Dhuibhne - 2017-09-29
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This volume collects new short stories from one of Ireland’s leading writers in both the Irish and English languages. Eilis Ni Dhuibhne’s stories are widely acclaimed for their acute perception of Irish women’s lives, the power of her verbal economy, and her skillful and unique use of both humor and the fantastic....
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled book cover
We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled
Voices from Syria
Wendy Pearlman - 2017-06-06
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Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
Думай медленно book cover
Думай медленно
Daniel Kahneman - 2011-10-25
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Наши действия и поступки определены нашими мыслями. Но всегда ли мы контролируем наше мышление? Нобелевский лауреат Даниэль Канеман объясняет, почему мы подчас совершаем нерациональные поступки и как мы принимаем неверные решения. У нас имеется две системы мышления. «Медленное» мышление включается, когда мы решаем задачу или выбираем товар в магазине. Обычно нам кажется, что мы уверенно контролируем эти процессы, но не будем забывать, что позади нашего сознания в фоновом режиме постоянно работает «быстрое» мышление - автоматическое, мгновенное и неосознаваемое…
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
The Long Loneliness book cover
The Long Loneliness
The Autobiography of the Legendary Catholic Social Activist by Dorothy Day (2009-09-01)
Dorothy Day - 2009-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1952)
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An autobiography of the legendary catholic social activist Dorothy Day....
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
The Tender Bar book cover
The Tender Bar
A Memoir
J. R. Moehringer - 2006-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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This memoir is a captivating portrait of a boy's journey to manhood, shaped by the men he meets at a local bar. With his radio disc jockey father absent, the young protagonist seeks out figures of masculinity and identity in the patrons around him. From cops to poets, he finds camaraderie and guidance in a "fatherhood-by-committee." Conflicted between his mother's example and the allure of the bar, the protagonist turns to the latter as a refuge from life's hardships, culminating in a poignant coming-of-age story. A suspenseful, funny, and ultimately heart-wrenching read that explores themes of identity, family, and belonging.
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
Chris WesselingMing Tsai
The Complete Stories book cover
The Complete Stories
Bernard Malamud - 1998-10-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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Explore the American human experience through the eyes of Bernard Malamud in The Complete Stories. This collection of fifty-five stories covers the time period from 1940 to 1984, including the beloved stories from The Magic Barrel. Richard Stern called this book "an essential American book," and readers agree that it is a varied and generous collection of modern short stories, making it an excellent introduction to the work of a great American writer.
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
No Ordinary Time book cover
No Ordinary Time
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
Doris Kearns Goodwin - 1995-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
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Explore the dynamic and revolutionary era of America's past with No Ordinary Time. This Pulitzer-winning history book chronicles the Roosevelt family's marriage, partnership, and impact on the nation during a time of war and change. Doris Kearns Goodwin expertly pieces together details to provide an intimate, captivating portrait of the First Lady, the President, and a new, modern America.
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
Lloyd Blankfein
Невидимка book cover
Ralph Ellison - 1995-02-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1952)
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Когда в 1952 году был опубликован роман «Человек невидимка», на счету его автора было несколько изданных рассказов, опубликованных эссе и рецензий. Уже через неделю после публикации роман произвел эффект разорвавшейся бомбы. Периодические издания захлестнули хвалебные отзывы критиков и читателей. Роман продержался в списке бестселлеров 16 недель. Через год роман номинировался на Национальную книжную премию. В этом списке состояли произведения таких корифеев американской литературы, как « старик и море» Хемингуэя и «К востоку от рая» Стейнбека. Но получил премию именно «Человек-невидимка» Это один из тех великих романов, который изменил и прославил американскую литературу. Безымянный рассказчик ведет свое язвительное, полное горечи и ярости повествование о том, как рос в черной общине на юге, как его исключили из негритянского колледжа, о том, как он переехал в Нью-Йорк и стал главным выразителем чаяний Гарлема. Актуальность и обличительный пафос романа столь высоки, что и сегодня он находится на передовой борьбы с расовыми предрассудками. Так в округе Рендолф, южный штат Северная Каролина, роман запрещен к чтению в школьных библиотеках.
Samantha Power
A few weeks ago, @vulture asked me to describe 10 books that have impacted me along the way. List just out: Chinua Achebe, Dorothy Day, Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, Ralph Ellison, Bernard Malamud, Doris Kearns Goodwin, & more:      источник
И пришло разрушение… by Chinua Achebe
Those Who Forget by Geraldine Schwarz
Dare to Speak by Suzanne Nossel
Un-Trumping America by Dan Pfeiffer
The Hidden History of Burma by Thant Myint-U
Impeachment by Cass R. Sunstein
Хиросима by John Hersey