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Sarah Doody

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Sarah Doody is an NYC based user experience designer and product strategist. She works with startups to help them launch their initial product as well helping companies already in market optimize their user experiences.
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Company of One book cover
Company of One
Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business
Paul Jarvis - 2019-01-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn how staying small rather than growing can lead to a richer and more fulfilling career. Company of One is a unique approach to small business that shows you how to generate ongoing cash flow and work for yourself, on your own terms. Author Paul Jarvis left the high-pressure corporate world to work for himself on a lush island, embracing a more productive and rewarding lifestyle. Discover how you can do the same: plan your setup, determine your revenue goals, handle crises, and keep your clients happy all on your own.
Sarah Doody
Great book. Strongly recommend. Not just for entrepreneurs either. Teams can have a company of one mindset too.      источник