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Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

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Sarah-Jayne Blakemore FBA FRSB is Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge and co-director of the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Neuroscience at University College London
6 книг в списке
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The Joy of Science book cover
The Joy of Science
Jim Al-Khalili - 2022-04-12
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Explore the intersection of science and life with this insightful book by quantum physicist and New York Times bestselling author. In The Joy of Science, readers will discover 8 lessons from the heart of science that can help them navigate the complexities of modern life more confidently. From discussing the nature of truth and uncertainty to the importance of evidence-based thinking, this book will empower readers to think more objectively, see through their own biases, and lead a more fulfilling life.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
This is a fantastic book, suitable for everyone. The Joy of Science is a brilliant title and perfectly describes the vibe. Highly recommended      источник
Two Heads book cover
Two Heads
A Graphic Exploration of How Our Brains Work with Other Brains (T)
Uta Frith, Chris Frith, Alex Frith - 2022-04-26
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Unlock the mysteries of the human brain with "Two Heads," a captivating and accessible graphic novel adapted for audio. Written by renowned husband-and-wife team of cognitive neuroscientists, Uta and Chris Frith, this audiobook takes you on a journey through major studies of brain disorders in their nearly 50-year career. Joined by their son Alex Frith and artist Daniel Locke, they explore the social nature of human brains and cover diverse subjects such as diversity, prejudice, empathy, and more. Ultimately, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how our brains work together and why two heads are indeed better than one.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
This is an astonishingly fantastic book that I cannot recommend more highly. Want to read about the lives and research of cognitive neuroscientists Profs @cdfrith and @utafrith in the form of a graphic novel? Look no further.      источник
The Social Instinct book cover
The Social Instinct
How Cooperation Shaped the World
Nichola Raihani - 2021-08-31
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"The Social Instinct" explores the fascinating ways in which cooperation has played a crucial role in human evolution and our future survival. Nichola Raihani takes readers on a profound and engaging journey through the hidden processes that have shaped who we are, revealing commonalities with other species along the way. With thought-provoking insights reminiscent of Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene," this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the science of human behavior.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
This is a wonderful book about social interaction and cooperation across the entire animal kingdom. I couldn’t put it down and highly recommend it to everyone      источник
Adam Rutherford
The Connected Parent book cover
The Connected Parent
An Expert Guide to Parenting in a Digital World
John Palfrey - 2020-10-06
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Navigating the digital world as a parent can be daunting, but The Connected Parent offers essential guidance. Harvard researchers John Palfrey and Urs Gasser address timely concerns such as social media access and digital safety, drawing on their decade-long study to provide actionable insights for parents. Protect your children while helping them thrive in the hyper-connected age with this must-read guide.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
I’m reading this interesting book on screentime. The evidence suggests effects depend on many factors eg how much, when and what (See work by @OrbenAmy & @Livingstone_S) 1/2 The Connected Parent: An Expert Guide to Parenting in a Digital World      источник
Там, где раки поют book cover
Там, где раки поют
Delia Owens - 2018-08-14
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В течение многих лет слухи о Болотной Девчонке преследовали Баркли-Коув, тихий городок на побережье Северной Каролины. И когда в конце 1969-го нашли тело Чеза, местного плейбоя, жители городка сразу же заподозрили Киа Кларк, девушку, что отшельницей обитала на болотах с раннего детства. Чувствительная и умная, Киа и в самом деле называет своим домом болото, а друзьями – болотных птиц, рыб, зверей. Но когда наступает пора взросления, Киа открывает для себя совсем иную сторону жизни, в ней просыпается желание любить и быть любимой. И Киа с радостью погружается в этот неведомый новый мир – пока не происходит немыслимое. Роман знаменитого биолога Делии Оуэнс – настоящая ода природе, нежная история о взрослении, роман об одиночестве, о связи людей, о том, нужны ли люди вообще друг другу, и в то же время это темная, загадочная история с убийством, которое то ли было, то ли нет.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
@neuro_boffin Ooh thanks for the recommendations. My favourite book of 2020 was Where the crawdads sing. Have you read it?      источник
Reese WitherspoonCat CoraDiana Gabaldon
The Idea of the Brain book cover
The Idea of the Brain
The Past and Future of Neuroscience
Matthew Cobb - 2020-04-21
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Explore the mysterious workings of the brain in this powerful examination of what we think we know about our most essential organ. Scientist and historian Matthew Cobb traces the evolution of our conception of the brain over centuries, revealing how technology has shaped our understanding. From comparing it to a telegraph or hydraulic system to today's supercomputer, this essential read illuminates the complex processes that drive science and our amazing brains.
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
It’s a brilliant book      источник
Adam Rutherford