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Read This Twice

Scott Detrow

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Scott Detrow is a political correspondent for NPR. He covers the 2020 presidential campaign and co-hosts the NPR Politics Podcast. Detrow joined NPR in 2015. He reported on the 2016 presidential election, then worked for two years as a congressional correspondent before shifting his focus back to the campaign trail.
7 книг в списке
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Thank You, Mr. Nixon book cover
Thank You, Mr. Nixon
Gish Jen - 2022-02-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the fifty years since the opening of China through the lives of ordinary people in this collection of eleven stories. Starting with a letter to "poor Mr. Nixon" in hell, Gish Jen captures the all-too-human encounters that ensue as East meets West. With humor and compassion, characters navigate U.S.-Chinese relations in surprising and profound ways, reflecting history's shadow over our most intimate moments. Jen's masterful storytelling proves why she is one of America's most eminent storytellers.
Scott Detrow
Book tweet: just finished "Thank You, Mr. Nixon" by Gish Jen. Blown away by the interconnected stories about the US, China, and generations of families going back and forth between the two countries.      источник
Rawhide Down book cover
Rawhide Down
The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan
Del Quentin Wilber - 2011-03-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
This gripping non-fiction book recounts the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. Author Del Quentin Wilber provides a minute-by-minute account of the harrowing events that transpired, drawing on exclusive interviews and previously unseen documents, photos, and videos. Readers get a behind-the-scenes look at Secret Service agents, surgeons, and White House officials as they worked to save the wounded president. Rawhide Down is a cinematic and captivating true record of a moment that truly shaped Reagan's presidency and established his place in American political history.
Scott Detrow
Great book      источник
Steven Sinofsky
The Hearts of Men book cover
The Hearts of Men
A Novel
Nickolas Butler - 2017-03-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
This epic novel follows the intertwining stories of friendships and families at a beloved Boy Scout summer camp in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Spanning decades and exploring themes of good and evil, family and fidelity, lifelong friendships, and redemption, this tender and insightful book perfectly balances humor and heartache.
Scott Detrow
@DeanneLZWeber His book from a few years ago, Hearts of Men, was so good. That was still a little better in my mind - the topic was closer to home to my life - but I really loved this too.      источник
A Legacy of Spies book cover
A Legacy of Spies
A Novel
John le Carré - 2017-09-05
Рейтинг Goodreads
Former British Secret Service member Peter Guillam is summoned back to London as his Cold War past comes back to haunt him. John le Carré weaves together the past and present in a single, intense plot that looks back on his previous works and highlights unforgettable characters. A Legacy of Spies is a thrilling read that resonates with tension, humor, and moral ambivalence.
Scott Detrow
@catazog I hope NPR does a story answering this q this week! I think The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is a great starting point. His first big book, and it moves at a faster pace than some of the others. If you like that, move on to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or A Legacy of Spies.      источник
Шпион, выйди вон! book cover
Шпион, выйди вон!
A George Smiley Novel
John le Carré - 2011-06-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1974)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Многие сотрудники британской разведки догадывались, что в ее руководстве давно засел "крот", работающий на СССР. Но те, кто отваживался от этом заявлять открыто, почему-то оказывались в отставке...Остальные предпочитали помалкивать. Но подтверждение существования советского агента пришло с совсем неожиданной стороны. Начинается тайное расследование, возглавляемое находящимся в отставке Джорджем Смайла. И никто, включая высшее руководство разведки, не должен догадаться, что на "крота" снова объявлена охота... Эта книга, основанная на реальных событиях, категорически рекомендуется к прочтению всем любителям шпионского романа. Трилогия о Смайле, первой частью которой является "Шпион, выйди вон!", стала классикой жанра и образцом, недосягаемым для других авторов.
Scott Detrow
@catazog I hope NPR does a story answering this q this week! I think The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is a great starting point. His first big book, and it moves at a faster pace than some of the others. If you like that, move on to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or A Legacy of Spies.      источник
Шпион, пришедший с холода book cover
Шпион, пришедший с холода
John le Carré - 2001-11-27 (впервые опубликовано в 1963)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Роман Джона Ле Карре (р. 1931), писателя и дипломата, на протяжении почти сорока лет считается лучшим политическим детективом. В центре повествования судьба агента британской разведки, ставшего игрушкой в руках политиков. Роман написан с поразительным мастерством и читается на одном дыхании.
Scott Detrow
@catazog I hope NPR does a story answering this q this week! I think The Spy Who Came In From The Cold is a great starting point. His first big book, and it moves at a faster pace than some of the others. If you like that, move on to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, or A Legacy of Spies.      источник
Malcolm GladwellShashi Bellamkonda
The Only Plane in the Sky book cover
The Only Plane in the Sky
An Oral History of 9/11
Garrett M. Graff - 2019-09-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
The Only Plane in the Sky is an oral history of September 11, 2001, told through interviews with nearly 500 Americans who were on the front lines of the tragedy. Author Garrett Graff paints a vivid portrait of the day as it was experienced by flight attendants, pilots, first responders, government officials, witnesses, survivors, and loved ones. This powerful tribute to the courage of everyday Americans is an essential addition to the literature of 9/11, exploring the human drama of an event that changed history and all of our lives.
Scott Detrow
A new book review from me on this 9/11 anniversary. "The Only Plane In The Sky" is excruciating, emotional reading. And that's the point.      источник