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Scott Gottlieb

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Scott Gottlieb is an American physician and investor who served as the 23rd commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration from 2017 until April 2019.
3 книг в списке
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Healthy Buildings book cover
Healthy Buildings
How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity
Joseph G. Allen, John D. Macomber - 2020-04-21
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the impact of indoor spaces on your health, performance, and well-being with this urgent read. Written by two pioneers of the healthy building movement, this book combines cutting-edge science with financial know-how to show the importance of making low-cost investments in your indoor environment. Learn how your immediate and long-term health can be affected by environmental fluctuations, and discover the 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building. With insider tips and smart technology, boost your performance and create economic value while prioritizing the most important asset of any building: its people.
Scott Gottlieb
The updated version of @j_g_allen excellent book is worth getting - it has new research about airborne transmission conducted during the pandemic and lays out the case for more focus on indoor air quality as a part of public health strategies beyond COVID.      источник
Lifelines book cover
A Doctor's Journey in the Fight for Public Health
Dr. Leana Wen - 2021-07-27
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the vital role of public health in saving lives, from tackling the opioid epidemic to fighting infectious diseases and addressing social issues like gun violence and racism. In "Lifelines," Dr. Leana Wen shares her personal journey as an immigrant from China who became a Rhodes scholar and one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People in the fight for public health. Gain deep insights into the invisible yet powerful work of public health and how it ensures citizens live longer and better lives.
Scott Gottlieb
Just finished reading advance copy of Lifelines by @DrLeanaWen, a sweeping and personal account of her work in public health and efforts to shape healthcare improvement; with lots of lessons and practical advice for policymakers and public health experts.      источник
Chaos Under Heaven book cover
Chaos Under Heaven
Trump, Xi, and the Battle for the Twenty-First Century
Josh Rogin - 2021-03-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Chaos Under Heaven" takes readers behind the scenes of Donald Trump's high-stakes confrontation with China. From an award-winning Washington Post columnist, this explosive account reveals the fragile understanding between Washington and Beijing that shattered with Trump's surprise victory. As the trade war and COVID-19 pandemic erupted, tensions continued to rise and reveal the toxic nature of the U.S.-China relationship. With unprecedented access to top officials, "Chaos Under Heaven" sheds light on the administration's internal conflicts during one of the most pivotal moments in history.
Scott Gottlieb
Just finished reading @joshrogin excellent book “Chaos Under Heaven,” a colorful, detailed, provocative overview of the U.S. recent political struggles with China’s Government and the coming future ones.      источник
Hugh Hewitt