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Sean McDowell

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Dr. Sean McDowell leads the Bible department at Capistrano Valley Christian Schools in California. The awarded teacher is also a popular national youth speaker, editor of the HCSB Apologetics Study.
19 книг в списке
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The Jesus Legend book cover
The Jesus Legend
A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition
Paul Rhodes Eddy, Gregory A. Boyd - 2007-08-01
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Christianity Today 2008 Book Award (Biblical Studies)...
Sean McDowell
@WilliamMcgibney The book by Eddy/Boyd is fantastic      источник
Testimonies to the Truth book cover
Testimonies to the Truth
Why You Can Trust the Gospels
Lydia McGrew - 2023-01-25
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Christians should be prepared to defend and share their faith, even while wrestling with doubts and questions that arise from within and without. With thousands of books out there-not to mention content on social media-where do we start? Testimonies to the Truth, Lydia McGrew's fourth book on New Testament reliability, provides a great starting poi...
Sean McDowell
Finally got my physical copy in the mail. Truly an excellent book for believer and skeptics interested in the reliability of the Gospels.      источник
Passport to Heaven book cover
Passport to Heaven
The True Story of a Zealous Mormon Missionary Who Discovers the Jesus He Never Knew
Micah Wilder - 2021-06-01
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“You have a call, Elder Wilder.”...
Sean McDowell
@7Psalm20 That’s a great book. I loved interviewing Micah when it came out!      источник
Просто христианство book cover
Просто христианство
C. S. Lewis - 2018-07-02 (впервые опубликовано в 1942)
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Mere Christianity is C.S. Lewis's forceful and accessible doctrine of Christian belief. First heard as informal radio broadcasts and then published as three separate books - The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality - Mere Christianity brings together what Lewis saw as the fundamental truths of the religion. Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity's many denominations, C.S. Lewis finds a common ground on which all those who have Christian faith can stand together, proving that "at the centre of each there is something, or a Someone, who against all divergences of belief, all differences of temperament, all memories of mutual persecution, speaks the same voice.
Sean McDowell
@jhmmms SUCH a good book!      источник
Russell Moore
Christian Apologetics book cover
Christian Apologetics
A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith
Douglas Groothuis - 2011-07-27
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This comprehensive text by Douglas Groothuis presents a thorough defense of Christian theism. From defending objective truth to discussing the key arguments for God from natural theology, Groothuis covers it all. The book considers alternative views and provides a compelling case for the credibility of Jesus, the incarnation, and the resurrection. A must-read for anyone seeking answers to enduring human questions.
Sean McDowell
@jrpeet Excellent book. You’ve really read it three times?      источник
Strange New World book cover
Strange New World
How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution
Carl R. Trueman - 2022-03-22
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Explore the origins of identity politics in a world driven by technological advances and "expressive individualism" in Strange New World. Historian Carl R. Trueman investigates the philosophies and cultural influences that have shaped Western thought, from the Romantics to the New Left, and their impact on personal identity, religion, and free speech. This concise and insightful book offers readers a deeper understanding of the critical issues facing society today. A must-read for fans of Trueman's acclaimed The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.
Sean McDowell
@rperez12 Outstanding book      источник
Retractions book cover
Cultivating Humility After Humiliation
Pat Nemmers - 2022-11-15
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A must-read for upcoming Christian leaders, this book emphasizes the importance of ongoing humility in our lives. Through personal stories and truth-filled chapters, the author challenges readers to overcome past failures and choose humility for a lifetime. With endorsements from respected Christian leaders, this book provides hope and guidance for those who seek to lead with grace and faith.
Sean McDowell
My Top Books of 2022 | Some good books recommended by @challies      источник
Embracing Complementarianism book cover
Embracing Complementarianism
Turning Biblical Convictions into Positive Church Culture (A biblical vision for the roles of men and women in the church-and how to put them into practice)
Graham Beynon, Jane Tooher - 2022-10-01
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Embracing Complementarianism explores the biblical roles of men and women in the church, providing practical guidance for implementation. This book highlights the positive aspects of complementarianism and encourages a culture of partnership between genders, maximizing their gifts for God's kingdom.
Sean McDowell
My Top Books of 2022 | Some good books recommended by @challies      источник
Turnaround book cover
The Remarkable Story of an Institutional Transformation and the 10 Essential Principles and Practices that Made It Happen
Jason K. Allen - 2022-09-13
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Discover the leadership principles that turned a struggling seminary into one of the fastest growing and largest in the world. In Turnaround, Dr. Jason K. Allen shares his experience in leading the turnaround of Midwestern Seminary, offering essential insight for any leader looking to save a sinking ship. Apply these principles to your own leadership challenges and thrive in your calling.
Sean McDowell
My Top Books of 2022 | Some good books recommended by @challies      источник
The Manual by Al Stewart
The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener
Pure by Dean Inserra
The Men We Need by Brant Hansen
Powerful Leaders? by Marcus Honeysett
You're Only Human by Kelly M. Kapic
Land of Hope by Wilfred M. McClay
The Third Option by Miles McPherson
Abortion Rights by Kate Greasley, Christopher Kaczor
Godly Jealousy by K. Erik Thoennes