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Simon Baron-Cohen

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Simon Baron-Cohen is a British clinical psychologist and professor of developmental psychopathology at the University of Cambridge. He is the Director of the University's Autism Research Centre and a Fellow of Trinity College.
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La ansiedad en el autismo book cover
La ansiedad en el autismo
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Isabel Paula - 2015-02-26
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"Anxiety in Autism" explores the pressing issue of anxiety in individuals with autism, shedding light on the need for clinical attention and research. This comprehensive book weaves together quantitative research with qualitative insights from those with first-hand experiences, providing invaluable knowledge for clinicians, researchers, families, students, and individuals with autism alike.
Simon Baron-Cohen
So important that autism research is looking at challenging symptoms such as anxiety and self injury, to understand their causes and explore treatment options. I hope these two books get translated since parents and autistic people worldwide need access to evidence-based advice      источник