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Stephanie Holland

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Stephanie Holland is the Founder and author of Sheconomy, Speaker and Consultant on Marketing to Women. She also served as Co-owner. President and Executive Creative Director for Holland + Holland Advertising.
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Melania and Me book cover
Melania and Me
The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff - 2020-09-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
A former Vogue events director details her close friendship with one of the world's most famous women in a candid memoir. From their initial meeting to the transformation of Melania's public image and her role as First Lady, this emotional story offers insight into the inner workings of Trump Tower and the White House. The memoir includes intriguing revelations about Melania's reactions to controversy and family dynamics, shedding light on the woman that few people truly understand.
Stephanie Holland
Great book! Highly recommend!      источник