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Steven Strogatz

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Steven Strogatz is an applied mathematician who works in the areas of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, often on topics inspired by the curiosities of everyday life. He loves finding math in places where you’d least expect it—and then using it to illuminate life’s mysteries, big and small.
40 книг в списке
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A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology book cover
A Combinatorial Introduction to Topology
Michael Henle - 1994-03-14 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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Excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students shows how geometric and algebraic ideas met and grew together into an important branch of mathematics. Lucid coverage of vector fields, surfaces, homology of complexes, much more. Some knowledge of differential equations and multivariate calculus required. Many problems and exercise...
Steven Strogatz
@EricLinn19 I love Michael Henle's book It's very readable, concrete, and visual. It includes lots of the cool examples and theorems that attract people to topology in the first place!      источник
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers book cover
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Stanley J. Farlow - 1993-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1982)
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Explore the world of partial differential equations with this practical and informative guide. Designed for advanced students and professionals in the applied sciences, learn how to formulate a partial differential equation and solve it with initial and boundary conditions. With coverage of diffusion-type, hyperbolic-type, and elliptic-type problems, as well as numerical and approximate methods, this text offers a realistic and useful approach to mathematical physics. Each chapter includes relevant problems and suggestions for further reading.
Steven Strogatz
@madprofessah @mathematicsprof @Cornell Students can learn the basics very efficiently from Farlow (great pedagogy, plus it's an inexpensive Dover book)      источник
Boltzmann's Atom book cover
Boltzmann's Atom
The Great Debate That Launched A Revolution In Physics
David Lindley - 2001-01-18
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Boltzmann's Atom is a captivating historical account of Ludwig Boltzmann, a forgotten genius who battled for forty years for acceptance of the atomic theory of matter and a new way of doing physics. The book provides a window on the civilized world that gave birth to our scientific era, and Ludwig Boltzmann emerges as an endearingly quixotic character who muddled through practical matters of life in a European gilded age. David Lindley's elegant telling of this tale combines the detailed breadth of the best history, the beauty of theoretical physics, and the psychological insight belonging to the finest of novels.
Steven Strogatz
@curiouswavefn I’m not aware of any such book. But I did enjoy “Boltzmann’s Atom” which discusses one biographical slice of the story.      источник
The Historical Development Of The Calculus book cover
The Historical Development Of The Calculus
Jr. C. H. Edwards - 1994-06-24
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Explore the fascinating history and evolution of calculus, one of the most fundamental languages of Western science. This accessible and informative book delves into the genesis of calculus and the persistent labors of successive generations that finally resolved some of the most profound mathematical problems. Perfect for anyone who appreciates the value of historical perspective in learning and teaching mathematics, including students, instructors, and enthusiasts.
Steven Strogatz
@MathPrinceps @QuantaMagazine Yes! I learned a lot from that book, and enjoyed its treatment of Wallis in particular.      источник
Mathematics and Its History (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) book cover
Mathematics and Its History (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
John Stillwell - 2001-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
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Explore the fascinating history of mathematics through this collection of historical essays, covering topics not typically included in undergraduate courses, such as the development of calculus and polynomial equations. Presented in their historical context, readers will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of mathematical concepts. This new edition features additional chapters on simple groups and sections on alternating groups and the Poincare conjecture, with more exercises and helpful commentary. Perfect for anyone interested in the history of mathematics.
Steven Strogatz
@74WTungsteno I’ve taught out of this book and it’s terrific      источник
Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . book cover
Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .
Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
Thomas Cathcart - 2007-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2006)
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Get ready to laugh and learn with this hilarious New York Times bestseller that's like a philosophy course you wish you had in school. From Existentialism to Logic, Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar... takes you through the great philosophical thinkers and traditions with lively wit and originality. Written by born vaudevillians Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein, this not-so-reverent crash course will make even the heaviest philosophical concepts easy to understand. Don't miss out on this informative and entertaining read!
Steven Strogatz
@samiur1204 I enjoyed this book. Such a fun premise!      источник
Prisoner's Dilemma book cover
Prisoner's Dilemma
John von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb
William Poundstone - 1993-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
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Explore the "prisoner's dilemma" with this fascinating read that delves into the social puzzle we all face daily. Learn how game theory was born from poker and how it became key to military strategy during the Cold War. Discover the profound implications of this mathematical study of conflict and deception on public policy today. This masterful work of science writing weaves together biography, history, and investigative journalism to deliver an incisive story of a revolutionary idea that has been hailed as a landmark of twentieth-century thought.
Steven Strogatz
@Singularitarian I’m not aware of any book devoted to exclusively to the biography of von Neumann, but this book does some of that along with sketching the history of game theory in connection with the Cold War:      источник
The Dripping Faucet As A Model Chaotic System book cover
The Dripping Faucet As A Model Chaotic System
Robert Shaw - 1984-01-01
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Steven Strogatz
@RoqGray Here’s a book that did pioneering work on the topic. You could also pick any other real-world dynamical system (a chaotic circuit, a metronome, whatever) and do parameter estimation on it      источник
Geometry of Grief book cover
Geometry of Grief
Reflections on Mathematics, Loss, and Life
Michael Frame - 2021-09-08
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Discover how mathematics can provide hope and understanding in times of grief in this profound and poetic book. Mathematician Michael Frame draws from his career in fractal geometry, illuminating how the loss of loved ones and the loss of understanding share similarities. By manipulating the geometry of grief, we may be able to redirect our thinking and reduce our pain. With original illustrations and clear introductions to advanced topics in geometry, Geometry of Grief is both human and elegant, helping readers to see how a geometry of grief can guide us towards bold action.
Steven Strogatz
Professor Michael Frame was one of the most beloved teachers at Yale and Union College. Now nearing the end of his life, he has written a poignant and beautiful book called “Geometry of Grief“. Treat yourself to the wisdom of this sweet gentle soul.      источник
Lab Girl book cover
Lab Girl
Hope Jahren - 2016-04-05
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Explore the wonders of plant life with geobiologist Hope Jahren in her riveting autobiography. In Lab Girl, Jahren shares her childhood memories, passion for science and foliage, and the inspiring role of her eccentric lab manager, Bill. An invitation to join her in observing and conserving our environment, this warm and captivating read is a celebration of scientific curiosity and the power of love and work. Winner of multiple awards and acclaimed by The Washington Post, TIME.com, and NPR, Lab Girl is a must-read for science enthusiasts and anyone who wishes to explore the wonder of our natural world.
Steven Strogatz
Off the top of my head, here are three of my favorites (not so new, though): Black hole blues, by @jannalevin. Lab girl, Hope Jahren. Disturbing the universe, by Freeman Dyson.      источник
Fundamentals by Frank Wilczek
До конца времен by Brian Greene
Real Analysis by Jay Cummings
Probability by Henk Tijms
Бесцветный by Trevor Noah
Тайная жизнь деревьев by Peter Wohlleben
Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space by Janna Levin
Patterns of the Universe by Alex Bellos
Building a Better Teacher by Elizabeth Green
Как не ошибаться by Jordan Ellenberg
The Cult of Pythagoras by Alberto A. Martinez
Science Secrets by Alberto A. Martinez
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers by Carl M. Bender
Networks by Mark Newman
A Book of Abstract Algebra by Charles C Pinter
Visual Group Theory by Nathan Carter
Discrete Thoughts by Mark Kac
The Calculus Gallery by William Dunham
Understanding Probability by Henk Tijms
Простая одержимость by John Derbyshire
How the Universe Got Its Spots by Janna Levin
Sparks of Genius by Robert S. Root-Bernstein
Probability by Albert N. Shiryaev
Calculus Gems by George F. Simmons
Tensor Geometry by C. T. J. Dodson
Journey through Genius by William Dunham
Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge by Richard Rhoad
Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes by George F. Simmons
Электричество и магнетизм by Edward M. Purcell
Disturbing the Universe by Freeman Dyson