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Ted Knutson

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Ted Knutson is the owner and founder of StatsBomb and StatsBomb Services. His company is at the forefront of the data and analytics revolution in Soccer, and also has a unique expertise in set piece design and execution.
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Память, что зовется империей book cover
Память, что зовется империей
Arkady Martine - 2019-03-26
Рейтинг Goodreads
Жители космических станций много поколений держат дистанцию с захватнической империей Тейкскалаан. Внезапный запрос выслать в столицу нового посла поднимает много вопросов. Махит Дзмаре прибывает на планету-город, где все буквально пронизано поэзией, что драпирует интриги и соперничество. Имаго – вживленная в мозг Махит память прежнего посла, должен помочь ей распутать клубок связей, договоренностей и афер предшественника, но сбой имаго-аппарата ставит все под угрозу. Теперь Махит придется во всем разбираться самостоятельно.
Ted Knutson
My brain has been leaking out of my brain at the end of every day, so I've been happy to let it stretch out into books again I really enjoyed A Memory Called Empire. Who has SF/Fantasy recs from the last couple of years for me? (Tag @TheM_L_G since he also does this regularly.)      источник
Adrienne Porter Felt
Thai Food book cover
Thai Food
David Thompson - 2002-10-03
Рейтинг Goodreads
This comprehensive cookbook delves into the ancient and exotic world of Thai cuisine, featuring hundreds of authentic, lesser-known dishes alongside the classics. Renowned chef David Thompson writes with easy erudition about Thailand and its food, inspiring readers to cook and experiment while fostering a respect for the cuisine and its cultural heritage. The stunning photography captures the essence of Thai food and culture, making this magnum opus a standout among Asian cookbooks. Winner of the 2003 James Beard and IACP Awards.
Ted Knutson
My sister asked me for recipes and I dug this Thai Beef salad one out that I think I stole from David Thompson's amazing Thai cook book. It has HUGE flavours (too much for my kids), but we think it's amazing.      источник
The Space Between Worlds book cover
The Space Between Worlds
Micaiah Johnson - 2020-08-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
This sci-fi debut follows Cara, an outsider who can travel between parallel universes. She's plucked from the wastelands and given a new life in a wealthy and walled-off city, but trouble finds her when one of her remaining doppelgängers dies under mysterious circumstances. As she uncovers a dangerous secret, Cara's past and future collide in unexpected ways, posing a threat to not only her world but the entire multiverse. An examination of identity, privilege, and belonging, this cross-dimensional adventure is a must-read for sci-fi fans.