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The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 Bsd Unix Operating System
Answer Book (Addison-Wesley series in computer science)
Learn about the inner workings of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating System with this comprehensive answer book. Discover the system's structure, concepts, data structures and algorithms used to implement system facilities. Complete your learning with complete working solutions to exercises.
Werner Vogels
2020-07-12T14:40:06.000ZЭта книга — продолжение одного из самых знаменитых научно-популярных сайтов всех времен. Рэндалл Манро — инженер НАСА, ученый, художник и создатель невероятно популярного интернет—комикса xkcd.com — пытается найти серьезные ответы на самые невероятные вопросы, которые присылают ему посетители его сайта. Оказывается, о самых серьезных научных проблемах можно говорить легко и с большим юмором. Если вы любите науку, комиксы, Интернет и хорошую шутку — эта книга для вас.
Werner Vogels
2019-02-16T20:38:45.000ZDiscover the fascinating theory of motorcycle dynamics with this technical book by Vittore Cossalter. A must-read for engineers, students, or anyone interested in the technical and mathematical aspects of motorcycles. Motorcycle Dynamics is packed with the latest research on motorcycle behavior and performance, presented in an easy-to-understand format with abundant graphs and figures. Gain insight into this complex subject and deepen your knowledge of motorcycle mechanics.
Werner Vogels
2018-01-26T16:32:27.000ZA photographic essay documenting the transformation of Mecca over the last 5 years, from its unique urban tapestry to its modern, exclusive identity. Explore the eradication of historic sites and communities and the rise of high-end developments, showcasing unprecedented experimentation with architecture and social stratification. Celebrate Mecca's real and imagined states, with intimate access to its social and religious rituals, urban planning, and proposed development through breathtaking photography.
Werner Vogels