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Read This Twice

Цитаты из книги Бойцовский клуб

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
I don't want to die without any scars.
You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
The things you used to own, now they own you.
Today is the sort of day where the sun only comes up to humiliate you.
Ok. You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me a sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole. Is this a pretty accurate description of our relationship.
At the time, my life just seemed too complete, and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves.
Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything. Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart.
We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
If you don't know what you want," the doorman said, "you end up with a lot you don't.
I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
You buy furniture. You tell yourself, this is the last sofa I will ever need in my life. Buy the sofa, then for a couple years you're satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you've got your sofa issue handled. Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you're trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you.
It's not love or anything, but I think I like you, too.
No, that’s not right.
The lower you fall, the higher you'll fly.
May I never be complete. May I never be content. May I never be perfect.
The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.
Everyone smiles with that invisible gun to their head.
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens.
I wanted to destroy everything beautiful I'd never have.
The girl is infectious human waste, and she's confused and afraid to commit to the wrong thing and so she won't commit to anything.
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?.
For years now, I've wanted to fall asleep. The sort of slipping off, the giving up, the falling part of sleep. Now sleeping is the last thing I want to do.
We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.
Worker bees can leave. Even drones can fly away. The Queen is their slave.
With insomnia, you're never really awake; but you're never really asleep.
How everything you ever love will reject you or die. Everything you ever create will be thrown away. Everything you're proud of will end up as trash.
One minute was enough, Tyler said, "A person had to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.
I say let me never be complete, I say may I never be content,I say deliver me from Swedish furniture, I say deliver me from clever arts, I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth,I say you have to give up! I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may!.
Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions.
Without pain, without sacrifice we would have nothing. Like the first monkey shot into space.
We don't have a great war in our generation, or a great depression, but we do, we have a great war of the spirit. We have a great revolution against the culture. The great depression is our lives. We have a spiritual depression.
You know, the condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip it on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, then you throw it away.
You have to give up! you have to give up! You have to realize that someday you will die, Until you know that, you are useless!.
I’m breaking my attachment to physical power and possessions, because only through destroying myself can I discover the greater power of my spirit.
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?.
Tyler lies back and asks, "If Marilyn Monroe were alive right now, what would she be doing?" I say, goodnight. The headliner hangs down in shreds from the ceiling and Tyler says, "Clawing at the lid of her coffin.
Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my brains.
Only after disaster can we be resurrected.
I'm a toxic waste byproduct of God's creation.
Am I sleeping? Have I slept at all? This is insomnia.
Maybe we should always assume the worst.
You always kill the one you love.
Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.
For thousands of years, human beings had screwed up and trashed and crapped on this planet, and now history expected me to clean up after everyone. I have to wash out and flatten my soup cans. And account for every drop of used motor oil. And I have to foot the bill for nuclear waste and buried gasoline tanks and landfilled toxic sludge dumped a generation before I was born.
Marla's philosophy of life, she told me, is that she can die at any moment. The tragedy of her life is that she doesn't.
Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may.
Self improvement is masturbation...
Skinny guys fight till they're burger.
If Marilyn Monroe was alive right now, what would she be doing?' Clawing at the roof of her coffin.
A minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.
Which is worse: Hell or nothing?.
HELLO! Look at me. HELLO! I am so ZEN. This is BLOOD. This is NOTHING. Hello. Everything is nothing, and it's so cool to be ENLIGHTENED. Like me.
Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that Tyler's pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die.
There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love.
This is how it is with insomnia. Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a copy. The insomnia distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you.
Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need.
This isn't about love as in caring. This is about property as in ownership.
Hey, even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.
The first rule of fight club is, you don't talk about fight club.
This was freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
Hey, you created me! I didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better. Take some responsibility!.
I just don't want to die without a few scars.
Recycling and speed limits are bullshit. They're like someone who quits smoking on his deathbed.
Look up at the stars and you're gone.
I am nothing, and not even that.
This is why I loved the support groups so much, if people thought you were dying, they gave you their full attention. If this might be the last time they saw you, they really saw you. Everything else about their checkbook balance and radio songs and messy hair went out the window. You had their full attention. People listened instead of just waiting for their turn to speak. And when they spoke, they weren't just telling you a story. When the two of you talked, you were building something, and afterward you were both different than before.