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Серии КнигAll Souls

Серия книг All Souls

Книги серии All Souls по порядку

The All Souls Trilogy follows the story of Diana Bishop, a historian and reluctant witch, as she solves the mystery of Ashmole 782, falls in love with a mysterious vampire named Matthew Clairmont, and learns how powerful it can be to accept who you are.Also see All Souls Universe spin-off series.
Shadow of Night book cover
Открытие ведьм book cover
The Book of Life book cover
4 книг в серии
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Открытие ведьм book cover
Книга 1
Открытие ведьм
Deborah Harkness - 2011-02-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Диана Бишоп – историк из Оксфорда, специалист по старинным рукописям, но она же и потомок ведьм. После смерти родителей девушка решила отказаться от своего сверхъестественного дара и вспомнила о нем лишь тогда, когда в ее руках случайно оказывается заколдованная алхимическая рукопись, считавшаяся давно утраченной. С этого дня жизнь Дианы превращается в сплошной кошмар: ее преследуют, ей угрожают, ее запугивают. Однако убивать, похоже, не собираются, ведь только Диана способна получить доступ к книге, которая дает власть над всем миром.
Shadow of Night book cover
Книга 2
Shadow of Night
Deborah Harkness - 2012-07-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Embark on a journey through time with Diana and Matthew as they travel to Elizabethan London in search of ancient magic. Filled with spies, witches, and danger, Shadow of Night explores the net of Matthew's past and the limits of Diana's powers. Join them on their quest for Ashmole 782 and discover the world of the School of Night in this thrilling sequel to A Discovery of Witches.
The Book of Life book cover
Книга 3
The Book of Life
A Novel (All Souls Series)
Deborah Harkness - 2014-07-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this thrilling finale to the All Souls Trilogy, Diana and Matthew must travel through time to save themselves and their loved ones. Returning to present day, they reunite with familiar characters and face new enemies in their quest to find missing pages from a powerful book. Don't miss out on the magic and suspense that landed this book on the New York Times bestseller list.
Time's Convert book cover
Книга 4
Time's Convert
A Novel (All Souls Series)
Deborah Harkness - 2019-06-25 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This novel examines the process of becoming a vampire, as Marcus MacNeil seizes the opportunity to gain immortality from Matthew de Clermont. However, the challenges he faces and the clash of ancient traditions with modern beliefs make his transformation difficult. Fast-forward to modern-day Paris, where Phoebe Taylor, Marcus's love interest, is about to embark on her own journey to immortality. This novel explores the power of tradition and the possibility of revolution, with a slow-burning romance that spans centuries.