Серия книг Discworld
Книги серии Discworld по порядку
See also:- Discworld Companion Books- Discworld Maps- The Science of DiscworldSub-series: Discworld - DEATH Series Discworld - Ankh-Morpork City Watch series Discworld - Witches Series Discworld - Rincewind series Discworld - Tiffany Aching series Discworld -…

41 книга в серии
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Это Великий А’Туин, Вселенская Черепаха, которая бороздит безбрежный космос. Это четыре слона, которые держат на спинах Плоский мир. А это Ринсвинд, самый трусливый волшебник на Диске, и Двацветок, первый турист Плоского мира. Неисчислимые тролли, драконы, волки и Смерть (одна штука) поджидают их в скитаниях по дотоле неведомой нам сказочной вселенной.
A clumsy wizard named Rincewind is the key to preventing a devastating collision in The Light Fantastic. But can he save the world when he can barely save himself? This book is filled with humor and adventure in a fantastical world.
In this hilarious and magical tale, a dying wizard mistakenly tries to pass on his powers to a baby who turns out to be a girl. To fix his mistake, the town witch turns the girl into a witch. But as she grows up, she must navigate the challenges of being the first female wizard and save the world with just one kick. A must-read for fans of fantasy and humor.
Talia LavinСмерть ловит рыбу. Веселится на вечеринке. Напивается в трактире. А все обязанности Мрачного Жнеца сваливаются на хрупкие плечи его ученика. Но делать нечего: берем косу, прыгаем на белую лошадь Бинки — и вперед!
This magical tale follows the adventures of an inept wizard named Rincewind and his sentient travelling companion, the Luggage. But when an eighth son of an eighth son becomes a sourcerer, chaos ensues. With humor and wit, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Meddling witches navigate royal politics and battle against impossible odds to put the rightful king back on the throne in a magical world where kingdoms quake and crowns topple.
Talia LavinIn this hilarious novel, a newly appointed pharaoh from a prestigious assassins' school struggles to fulfill his duties in a kingdom filled with mad priests, marching mummies, and sacred crocodiles. To add to his troubles, he uncovers a web of deceit and betrayal within his own court. Get ready for a wild ride filled with witty humor and ancient Egyptian culture.
«Двенадцать часов ночи, и все спокойно!» – таков девиз Ночной Стражи Анк-Морпорка, самого славного города на всем Плоском мире. А если «не все» спокойно, значит, вы просто ходите не по тем улицам.
А вообще, чтобы стать настоящим ночным стражником, нужно приложить немало усилий. Во-первых, следует научиться бегать не слишком быстро – а то вдруг догонишь? Во-вторых, требуется постичь основной принцип выживания в жестоких схватках – просто не участвуйте в таковых. В-третьих, не слишком громко кричите, что «все спокойно», – вас могут услышать.
Книга, которую вы держите в руках, поистине уникальна. Она поможет вам не только постичь основные принципы выживания в этом жестоком, суровом мире, но и сделать достойную карьеру. Пусть даже ночного стражника…
Talia LavinIn this humorous and chaotic adventure, a demonology hacker named Eric attempts to make three wishes come true: to live forever, rule the universe, and have a beautiful companion. But his ineptitude leads him to summon a hapless wizard and an unruly travel accessory, causing chaos in the city of Ankh-Morpork. With laughs and mishaps at every turn, Eric soon wishes he had never been born.
Step into the world of Holy Wood, where being important is the most important thing of all. Alchemists believe they can shape reality, but when they invent motion pictures, the greatest illusion of all, everything could change. Will this be a triumph or a dark secret waiting to be uncovered in the Holy Wood hills? Discover the universe-shaking proportions of Moving Pictures.
Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett
Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett
Small Gods by Terry Pratchett
Discworld Witches Collect Lords & Ladies by Terry Pratchett
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett
Soul Music by Terry Pratchett
Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett
Maskerade by Terry Pratchett
Feet Of Clay by Terry Pratchett
Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
Jingo by Terry Pratchett
The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett
Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett
The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett
The Truth by Terry Pratchett
Вор Времени by Terry Pratchett
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett
Ночная стража by Terry Pratchett
The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett
The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women by John Knox
A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett
Thud! by Terry Pratchett
Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
Making Money by Stephen Briggs
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett
Snuff by Terry Pratchett
Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett
The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett