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Серия книг Fallen

Книги серии Fallen по порядку

See also: The Fallen Shorts series.
Torment book cover
Падшие book cover
Passion book cover
5 книг в серии
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Падшие book cover
Книга 1
Lauren Kate - 2009-12-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Люс Прайс крупно не повезло в жизни. На пожаре в ее присутствии загадочным образом гибнет человек, и девушку считают виновной в его смерти. В исправительной школе, куда переводят Люс, царят законы не менее жестокие, чем в тюрьме, к тому же Люс с новой силой продолжает мучить кошмар, преследующий ее всю жизнь,— она повсюду видит странные тени, не отстающие от нее ни на шаг. И если бы не вспыхнувшая любовь к Дэниэлу, ее однокласснику, жизнь Люс превратилась бы в настоящий ад. Только почему-то девушке постоянно кажется, что они с Дэниэлом уже были знакомы — когда-то, не в этой жизни,— и любовь, возникшая между ними, грозит ей в будущем невосполнимой потерей... Роман Лорен Кейт стал мировым бестселлером, и вскоре после его выхода в свет компания «Уолт Дисней» приобрела права на экранизацию как первой книги, так и последующих романов серии.
Torment book cover
Книга 2
Lauren Kate - 2010-09-28
Рейтинг Goodreads
Luce is faced with a hellish existence without her fallen angel boyfriend, Daniel, who's gone off to hunt Outcasts looking to kill her. In the meantime, she's hidden away at a school with Nephilim, children of fallen angels and humans. While there, she discovers the power of Shadows to access her past lives but begins to suspect Daniel is keeping secrets from her. Could their love be based on lies?
Passion book cover
Книга 3
Lauren Kate - 2011-06-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Journey across centuries with Luce as she aims to unlock the secret to eternal love with Daniel. But with their romance and futures on the line, Cam and other dangerous beings are hot on her trail. The captivating third book of the bestselling FALLEN series will leave you riveted.
Rapture book cover
Книга 4
Lauren Kate - 2012-06-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
A darkly romantic conclusion to a bestselling series, Rapture takes readers on a journey through time and sacrifice. Luce and Daniel must stop Lucifer from erasing the past, but dark forces are after them. As they face an epic battle, Luce realizes that she was meant to be with someone else. The curse they've dealt with has always been about her and the love she cast aside. In the fight for Luce, who will win? Heaven can't wait any longer in this astonishing conclusion to the Fallen series.
Unforgiven book cover
Книга 5
Lauren Kate - 2015-11-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Unforgiven" by Lauren Kate is the book that fans of "Fallen" have been waiting for. Cam's story, the brooding and bad-boy dark angel that readers love, is finally here. Cam is haunted by his past and is currently in high school. Lilith, the girl he can't stop loving, is serving out a punishment for Cam's crimes. Cam made a bet with Lucifer, he has fifteen days to convince the only girl who really matters to him to love him again. If he fails, there's a special place in Hell just for him. Get ready to spread your wings and cry as bad boy dark angel Cam finally reveals his anguished heart in the epic new "Fallen" novel, "Unforgiven".