Серия книг Graceling Realm
Книги серии Graceling Realm по порядку
also known as:* The Seven Kingdoms (erroneous)* German: Die sieben Königreiche* Spanish: Los Siete Reinos* Portuguese: A Saga dos Sete Reinos* French: Les Sept Royaumes* Italian: I Sette Regni* Slovak: Sedem Kráľovstiev* Turkish: Yedi Krallık Üçlemesi* Dutch: De Zeven Koninkrijken* Swedish: De Utvalda* Czech: Sedm Království* Polish: Siedem Królest…

5 книг в серии
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Даже в мире, где люди, наделённые необычайными и как правило опасными способностями, не редкость, Катсу боятся и избегают. В восемь лет она совершила своё первое убийство, и с тех пор никто не мог одолеть её в схватке: Катса стала непобедимым воином… и палачом, безвольным орудием в руках своего дяди, короля Ранды. Она жаждет освободиться от Дара, который, кажется, приносит ей и окружающим лишь боль, искупить причинённые страдания, и объединяется с юным принцем из Лионида, чтобы раскрыть заговор и вырвать родные земли из рук короля-злодея. Ей ещё предстоит выяснить, какую тайну скрывает её собрат по оружию и сколько зла может совершить жестокий человек, наделённый властью над людским разумом.
In a land filled with rebellion and chaos, the last remaining human monster, Fire, possesses the unique ability to control minds. When she's asked to use her power to uncover a plot against the king, Fire must face her own fears and the possibility of becoming a monster like her father. Join her on a journey to discover the true extent of her power and save the kingdom.
In this captivating novel, a young queen must confront the lingering effects of her father's violent rule. Her advisors want to move on from the past, but Bitterblue can't shake the feeling that something's not right. As she ventures out into her city incognito, she discovers the truth about her father and enlists the help of two thieves to uncover the depths of his madness. Romance, mystery, and political intrigue come together in this thrilling tale.
Winterkeep is an imaginative novel that takes readers on a journey to a new land filled with miracles, telepathic creatures, and sky ships. When Bitterblue’s envoys to Winterkeep drown, she sets off with Giddon and her half-sister, Hava, to uncover the truth. As they solve the mystery, a fire inside Lovisa Cavenda, the daughter of powerful opposing parties, is about to make something happen. This captivating novel tests both Bitterblue's life and Giddon's heart.
In "The Academy: Intricate," Gabriel Coleman and Sang Sorenson set out on a mission to find their families and uncover their pasts. As members of the Academy, they must complete this task in order to become full-fledged members. Along the way, they face secrets, uncover hidden histories, and must hold strong in the face of their families who have tried to erase them from their lives. Will their love for each other be enough to protect them and change their lives forever?