Серия книг James Bond
Книги серии James Bond по порядку
The original James Bond books as written by his creator, Ian Fleming.The books should be read in publication order.The exception is book 10 - The Spy Who Loved Me which is best read out of sequence, earlier or later in the series, so as not to break up the main sequence of 9 - Thunderball, 11 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 12 - You Only Live Tw…

14 книг в серии
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Это первый роман Йена Флеминга об агенте 007. Он повествует о противостоянии Джеймса Бонда и русского шпиона по прозвищу Ле Шиффр, непобедимого профессионала и азартного игрока. Цель Бонда с треском обыграть Ле Шиффра за столом казино и вывести его из большой шпионской игры. Госпожа Удача благоволит Джеймсу, а его противник попадает в полосу невезения. Но не все любят играть по правилам, и Бонд, увлекшийся прекрасной женщиной-агентом, попадает в ловушку, из которой, кажется, нет спасения?
In this thrilling novel, James Bond crosses paths with the dangerous criminal mastermind, Mr. Big - a top SMERSH operative and Voodoo Baron of Death. Bond must navigate from Harlem to the Caribbean to take down his adversary, while also trying to decipher the enigmatic messages of the beautiful Solitaire. With tension running high and danger lurking at every turn, it's a battle of wills that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
In this thrilling spy novel, secret agent James Bond races against time to uncover the truth behind Sir Hugo Drax's shady dealings. As head of the Moonraker rocket program, a beloved national hero, and a self-made millionaire, Drax seems untouchable. But when Bond discovers evidence of cheating, he realizes there's more to Drax than meets the eye. Can Bond expose the truth in just five days? Find out in this action-packed adventure by Ian Fleming.
A glamorous and dangerous blonde named Tiffany Case stands between James Bond and a diamond smuggling ring that spans from Africa to the United States. As Bond uses her to infiltrate the gang, he finds himself in real danger. But just when all hope seems lost, unexpected help comes from the ice-cold Tiffany herself.
Познакомьтесь — Джеймс Бонд.Безупречный, блестяще образованный красавец. Абсолютно безжалостен и смертельно опасен.Теперь ему предстоит сразиться с достойным и очень опасным противником — советской разведкой. В лице прекрасно подготовленного супершпиона, с отличием окончившего школу КГБ. Правда, положение агента 007 несколько облегчает тот факт, что его противник — женского пола...
Discover the sixth thrilling adventure of James Bond from Ian Fleming's iconic series. Follow Bond as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of MI6's Jamaica station chief, only to be met with deadly threats from a reclusive and unhinged villain named Dr. Julius No. Bond must team up with local allies to uncover the truth behind Dr. No's evil plans and face the ultimate test of his strength and endurance. Get ready for a heart-pumping ride in this thrilling espionage novel.
A wealthy man is hoarding gold and 007 must investigate. Bond uncovers a gold-smuggling scheme and a daring heist that could bring down the world economy. To stop the sinister millionaire and his tenacious henchman, Bond must survive a deadly showdown.
This thrilling book is a captivating collection of five James Bond stories, each one taking place in a different location with a unique and dangerous challenge for 007 to overcome. From uncovering deadly secrets in the French countryside to navigating a smuggling war in the Mediterranean, these tales are full of classic intrigue and self-examination. With its vibrant world-building and gripping mysteries, For Your Eyes Only is a must-read for any Bond fan.
A suave, cool-headed James Bond must race against time to locate two stolen nuclear weapons that are hidden among the coral reefs in the Bahamas. Along the way, he meets a mysterious Italian woman named Domino who may hold the key to uncovering the truth. Full of action, suspense, and a touch of romance, this novel will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
The Spy Who Loved Me by Ian Fleming
On Her Majesty's Secret Service by Ian Fleming
You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming
The Man With the Golden Gun by Ian Fleming
Octopussy and The Living Daylights by Ian Fleming