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Серии КнигKeeper of the Lost Cities

Серия книг Keeper of the Lost Cities

Книги серии Keeper of the Lost Cities по порядку

French: Gardiens des Cités perdues
Звёздный камень book cover
Лунный жаворонок book cover
Everblaze book cover
7 книг в серии
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Лунный жаворонок book cover
Книга 1
Лунный жаворонок
Shannon Messenger - 2012-10-02
Рейтинг Goodreads
Спокойная жизнь Софи сгорела в одно мгновенье, когда к ней подошел мальчик-ровесник со странным предложением. Оказалось, что Софи – эльф, она обладает магическими способностями, а значит больше не может оставаться со своей семьей и ходить в обычную школу. Теперь у девочки будут опекуны-эльфы и учиться она будет в магической школе. Но почему-то никто не хочет рассказать Софи, почему она, эльф, родилась в семье обычных людей, будто бы это знание опасно не только для девочки, но и для её новых знакомых. А значит, Софи придется раскрыть эту тайну самой – вместе ещё с парой дюжин тайн Хранителей Запретных городов…
Звёздный камень book cover
Книга 2
Звёздный камень
Shannon Messenger - 2016-11-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Софи и её друзья влипли в неприятности. И причиной тому… ну, ладно, чрезмерное любопытство. Не нужно было исследовать шпильку с таинственным звёздным камнем, не началась бы тогда вся эта чехарда с заговорами, похищениями, покушениями, таинственными организациями, секретными планами и… угрозой всемирной катастрофы.
Everblaze book cover
Книга 3
Shannon Messenger - 2014-11-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this electrifying third book of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Sophie Foster uncovers shocking secrets and faces treacherous new enemies. With her talents getting stronger, Sophie is determined to find her kidnappers and fight back. But her daring mistake leads to a teetering world on the edge of war, and a conspiracy that stretches deeper than she realized. Can Sophie fight the flames of rebellion and protect everything she loves?
Nightfall book cover
Книга 6
Shannon Messenger - 2017-11-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
In Nightfall, Sophie Foster refuses to be defeated as she faces the Neverseen's victories. With the battle far from over, Sophie and her friends make sacrifices and reexamine everything, including trusting their enemies. Their journey takes them to Nightfall, where they discover deep-rooted problems that stretch into their history. Time is running out, and they must join forces like never before to save themselves.
Flashback book cover
Книга 7
Shannon Messenger - 2018-11-06
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this thrilling seventh installment, Sophie Foster navigates a dangerous game where secrets get erased and the wrong focus can lead to deadly mistakes. With the Neverseen on her trail and her own vulnerability revealed, Sophie must change the rules and learn to fight. Even with battle training, however, she may not be able to save a beloved friend facing their own danger. Will the distraction be the villains' opening? Find out in this unforgettable read.
Legacy book cover
Книга 8
Shannon Messenger - 2019-11-05
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this thrilling installment of a bestselling fantasy series, Sophie Foster and her friends must face seemingly impossible choices as they uncover shocking truths about their pasts and the larger world around them. Secrets and conspiracies abound, as the lines between friend and foe blur with every twist and turn. Get ready for an unforgettable journey that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Stellarlune book cover
Книга 9
Shannon Messenger - 2022-11-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the true meaning of power and evil in this stunning ninth book in the bestselling Keeper of the Lost Cities series. Sophie and her friends must make impossible choices, trust their instincts, and face the possibility that the Lost Cities' greatest lie could destroy everything. As the Neverseen's plans become more terrifying, the battle that follows will leave nothing unchanged.