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Серии КнигLittle House

Серия книг Little House

Книги серии Little House по порядку

german series: Unsere kleine Farm which has a differing order" 小木屋系列", the Chinese edition of Little House Series published by Echo Ltd. in Taiwan, has a differing order too.Other Little House on the Prairie books:Little House: The Martha Years Little House: The Charlotte YearsLittle House: The Caroline YearsLittle House: The Rose YearsChapter Boo…
Farmer Boy book cover
Маленький домик в Больших Лесах book cover
Little House on the Prairie book cover
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Маленький домик в Больших Лесах book cover
Книга 1
Маленький домик в Больших Лесах
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1932)
Рейтинг Goodreads
«Маленький домик в больших Лесах» – это первая книга знаменитой автобиографической эпопеи американской писательницы Лоры Инглз Уайлдер. Четырёхлетняя Лора живет на краю огромных лесов Висконсина вместе с сёстрами, верным псом Джеком и родителями – первыми переселенцами, осваивавшими свободные земли запада США. Жизнь семьи настолько сурова, что ребёнку двадцать первого века впору воскликнуть: как это всё возможно вытерпеть?! «Если пойдешь на север – иди хоть день, хоть неделю, хоть месяц, – нигде не увидишь ничего, кроме леса». Нужно тяжёлым трудом добывать пропитание, заранее готовиться к холодной зиме и остерегаться диких зверей, которые бродят вокруг дома. Но папа – единственный мужчина в семье – умеет всё: отливать пули, охотиться, пахать, сеять и собирать урожай, коптить мясо и замечательно играть на скрипке. И он нежно любит маму и своих дорогих дочек. Всю работу по дому выполняет терпеливая и заботливая мама: «Стирать — в понедельник, гладить — во вторник, штопать — в среду, сбивать масло — в четверг, убирать — в пятницу, печь хлеб — в субботу, отдыхать — в воскресенье. Дети воспитываются в религиозной строгости, в условиях ежедневного труда. А уж если Инглзам доводится принимать гостей или самим навещать соседей, действует строгий принцип: «Детей должно быть видно, но не слышно». Притом вся повесть от первой до последней страницы — это светлое, радостное воспоминание о счастливом детстве, просторном мире, любящих родственниках и добрых соседях, редких, но ярких и запомнившихся на всю жизнь праздниках. Благодаря поразительной художественной памяти писательницы, её вниманию к людям и вещам, книга читается легко, с живым интересом, а у юного читателя возникает естественное желание сравнить своё собственное детство с детством Лоры.
Farmer Boy book cover
Книга 2
Farmer Boy
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1933)
Рейтинг Goodreads
On a farm in New York, a young boy named Almanzo dreams of owning his own horse. However, his father doesn't think he's ready for the responsibility. Almanzo must find a way to prove himself worthy and earn the trust of his father.
Little House on the Prairie book cover
Книга 3
Little House on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 1994-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1935)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience the adventurous and heartwarming tale of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family in the award-winning Little House series. In book three, Little House on the Prairie, Laura and her family leave behind their home in Wisconsin and journey by covered wagon to Kansas where they build a new home on the prairie. Join Laura and her sister Mary on their explorations of the rolling hills surrounding their new home, and witness the family's determination to succeed through farming and hunting. But when a conflict arises, will the Ingalls family be forced to move again? These timeless books offer a unique glimpse into American pioneer life and tell the unforgettable story of a loving family.
On the Banks of Plum Creek book cover
Книга 4
On the Banks of Plum Creek
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1937)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Join Laura Ingalls and her family as they journey to Minnesota, settling in a house made of sod by the beautiful Plum Creek. They must navigate their way through harsh winters, attending school, and managing daily chores before disaster strikes--a devastating grasshopper infestation threatens their survival. Don't miss this heartwarming tale of resilience and determination.
By the Shores of Silver Lake book cover
Книга 5
By the Shores of Silver Lake
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1939)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience the thrilling continuation of Laura Ingalls and her family's adventures, as they leave their little house on the banks of Plum Creek and make their way to the wilderness of Dakota Territory. With Pa working on the new railroad and Mama and her daughters joining him on the shores of Silver Lake, this is a story of resilience, determination, and a pioneering spirit. Join the Ingalls family as they settle into their new homestead and become part of the vibrant community on the shores of Silver Lake.
The Long Winter book cover
Книга 6
The Long Winter
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1940)
Рейтинг Goodreads
A gripping tale of survival during an unforgiving winter on the prairie, as a town suffers from lack of food and coal due to a relentless blizzard. Follow the Ingalls family as they struggle to stay alive and witness the heroic efforts of Almanzo Wilder to save the town.
Little Town on the Prairie book cover
Книга 7
Little Town on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1941)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Little Town on the Prairie, from the beloved Little House series, follows the adventures of a young Laura Ingalls Wilder as she navigates the social scene of her small town, works to support her family, and experiences her first romantic interests. Set in the American frontier, this heartwarming tale offers a glimpse into a bygone era and is perfect for readers of all ages.
These Happy Golden Years book cover
Книга 8
These Happy Golden Years
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 1953-10-14 (впервые опубликовано в 1943)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This heartwarming story follows fifteen-year-old Laura as she teaches school twelve miles from home to help pay for her sister's tuition at a college for the blind. Despite feeling homesick, Laura enjoys the little joys of life like singing lessons and sleigh rides. Most importantly, she falls in love with Almanzo Wilder, making for a romantic and unforgettable ending. A perfect read for those who enjoy stories about family, love, and growth.
The First Four Years book cover
Книга 9
The First Four Years
Laura Ingalls Wilder - 2007-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1971)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience life on the American frontier through Laura Ingalls Wilder's eyes as she transitions from a pioneer girl to a pioneer wife and mother. Follow the challenges and triumphs of starting their new life together while farming the land on the South Dakota prairie and raising their baby daughter, Rose. This heartwarming and unforgettable story captures the spirit of American pioneers and is a must-read for anyone interested in America's frontier history.