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Серии КнигMerry Gentry

Серия книг Merry Gentry

Книги серии Merry Gentry по порядку

Please note: Each book in this series is a whole story with a beginning and an ending, however the plot of each book relies heavily on the prior books in the series. It is recommended that you read the books in the order they were published. According to the author, this series is closed ended, however the number of books required to reach that end…
A Caress of Twilight book cover
Поцелуй теней book cover
Seduced by Moonlight book cover
9 книг в серии
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Поцелуй теней book cover
Книга 1
Поцелуй теней
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2006-03-28 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
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Новый сериал автора одной из знаменитейших "вампирских хроник" нашего времени - саги об охотнице на темных тварей Аните Блейк! Новая сага о любви и ненависти, интригах и черной магии - от автора шестнадцати международных бестселлеров, изданных суммарным тиражом в 6000000 экземпляров! Она - изгнанница, преданная своими родичами, чудом избежавшая гибели. Одна из представителей всемогущей бессмертной расы тех, кто веками жил бок о бок с нами - неузнанные, неизвестные, способные играючи распоряжаться человеческими судьбами. Встретив ее на улице, мы приняли бы ее за обычную девушку. Но что скрывает маска неприметности?
A Caress of Twilight book cover
Книга 2
A Caress of Twilight
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2005-03-15 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This enticing tale follows Princess Meredith, an LA private eye, as she navigates a treacherous path to claim her Faerie throne. With assassination attempts from her cousin and a requirement to bear a child before him, Meredith's challenges are far from over. As she tries to conceive a child with her royal guard, she must also face a mysterious and deadly threat that could destroy the very existence of Faerie. A thrilling adventure filled with ancient evil and royal pleasures, this book is a must-read for fantasy fans.
Seduced by Moonlight book cover
Книга 3
Seduced by Moonlight
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2005-01-14 (впервые опубликовано в 2004)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Enter a world of gods, shapeshifters, and immortal souls in this tale of sensuality and treacherous deceits. Follow Princess Merry, the heir to the Faerie throne, as she navigates the dangerous realm of the Seelie and Unseelie courts. But when the ancient chalice appears, Merry's dormant powers awaken, making her a target for those who wish to see her fail. Will she rise to the challenge and claim her place on the throne?
A Stroke of Midnight book cover
Книга 4
A Stroke of Midnight
A Novel (A Merry Gentry Novel Book 4)
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2006-11-28 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This book follows Meredith Gentry, a private investigator and princess of the Unseelie Court, as she navigates a world of magic, power, and danger. She must confront the price of her own magical abilities and the dark side of faerie as she fights enemies from all sides, including her own family. With the help of her allies and newfound love, she will unveil forgotten powers and uncover long-held secrets while facing unknown threats to the future of her court.
Mistral's Kiss book cover
Книга 5
Mistral's Kiss
A Novel (A Merry Gentry Novel)
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2006-12-12
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A faerie princess with a dark destiny is trapped in her realm, forced to conceive a child to secure her throne. Despite her passionate consorts, she remains childless and faces a grim fate at the hands of her enemies. But a new love interest, the queen's captain of the guard, brings forth an ancient power that may save her and her reign. Will she overcome the shadows of conspiracy and secure her rule?
A Lick of Frost book cover
Книга 6
A Lick of Frost
A Novel (A Merry Gentry Novel Book 6)
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2007-10-23
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A faerie princess must bear a child to continue the royal bloodline and secure her throne, but her twisted aunt threatens to kill her and install her own son. With her loyal guards, she flees to Los Angeles to escape court intrigue, but faces accusations and threats from the powerful and vainglorious ruler of the Seelie Court. A thrilling tale of romance, danger, and political intrigue in the realm of faerie.
Swallowing Darkness book cover
Книга 7
Swallowing Darkness
A Novel (A Merry Gentry Novel Book 7)
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2008-11-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
A faerie princess, carrying twins fathered by her royal guard, must protect her unborn children and claim her place as queen amidst conspirators and enemies from every court in the realm. She is willing to sacrifice anything to protect what is hers, even if it means waging a great battle against her darkest enemies and making the most momentous decision ever made as princess of faerie.
Divine Misdemeanors book cover
Книга 8
Divine Misdemeanors
A Novel (A Merry Gentry Novel Book 8)
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2009-12-08
Рейтинг Goodreads
A princess of faerie and private investigator, I have chosen exile from the court and crown in the human world. However, when my people are being mysteriously killed, I must solve the case even if it means going up against my rival for fey loyalties. Dark suspicions of banned magical activities swirl around me, and I must confront the fact that evil knows no borders.
A Shiver of Light book cover
Книга 9
A Shiver of Light
Laurell K. Hamilton - 2014-06-03
Рейтинг Goodreads
This book follows Merry Gentry, a faerie princess who discovers she's about to have triplets, a rare and coveted event in the world of faerie. But when nobles from both courts of faerie seek to court Merry and her men to have babies of their own, it sets off a dangerous chain of events. To protect herself and her babies from a dangerous king, Merry must rely on her dearest loves and their strongest powers. This thrilling story will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.