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Серии КнигParasyte

Манга Parasyte

They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human flesh. They are everywhere. They are parasites, alien creatures who must invade—and take control of—a human host to survive. And once they have infected their victims, they can assume any deadly form they choose: monsters with giant teeth, winged demons, creatures with blades for hands. But most have chosen to conceal their lethal purpose behind ordinary human faces. So no one knows their secret—except an ordinary high school student. Shin is battling for control of his own body against an alien parasite, but can he find a way to warn humanity of the horrors to come?
Parasyte, Volume 2 book cover
Паразит book cover
Parasyte, Volume 3 book cover
8 книг в серии
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Паразит book cover
Книга 1
Том 1
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2007-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1990)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Никто не знает, откуда появились паразиты и с какой целью. Люди для них — лишь пища и материал, а они — оборотни, которые принимают облик своих жертв и стоят на вершине пищевой цепочки. Лишь одному человеку на Земле известна правда об этих монстрах, но ему приходится хранить эту страшную тайну. Ведь в противном случае в этой войне на выживание его убьют первым! Провокационная и подчас безжалостная хоррор-манга «Паразит» Хитоси Ивааки шокирует не сценами насилия, но самой постановкой вопроса. Гуманизм, одна из главных ценностей человечества, смело и тонко ставится автором под вопрос. С какой стати мы решили, что из всех живых существ право на жизнь есть только у человека? И кто здесь на самом деле монстр?
Parasyte, Volume 2 book cover
Книга 2
Parasyte, Volume 2
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2007-10-30 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
Рейтинг Goodreads
A high school student's body is taken over by an alien parasite in this thrilling manga. The parasite is dangerous and uncaring towards humans, and as it gains more control over Shin's body, he must fight to maintain his humanity. Will he be able to keep the demon at bay? Find out in this gripping second volume.
Parasyte, Volume 3 book cover
Книга 3
Parasyte, Volume 3
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2008-05-13 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
Рейтинг Goodreads
In Parasyte, Volume 3, an alien invasion has taken over the minds of ordinary people on Earth. Shin has been infected with a parasite, but can still think for himself. Two mysterious victims of the invasion approach Shin, a schoolteacher named Tamiya and a student named Shimada. What do the aliens want with humanity and with Shin? Dive into this thought-provoking science fiction story.
Parasyte, Volume 4 book cover
Книга 4
Parasyte, Volume 4
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2008-07-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This gripping manga follows Shinichi, a high school student who uncovers an alien invasion of Earth. With thousands under their control, Shinichi must keep his discovery a secret until he meets Kana, a girl with a gift that could help defeat the parasites. Join their fight against the invaders in this exciting Volume 4 of the series.
Parasyte, Volume 5 book cover
Книга 5
Parasyte, Volume 5
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2008-10-28 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience a unique twist on the classic monster tale in this gripping manga. Follow Shinichi, a high school student who becomes half-human, half-alien, and battles to save his own soul in a world where he is unlike anything else. Parasyte, Volume 5 is a must-read for fans of sci-fi, horror and manga.
Parasyte, Volume 6 book cover
Книга 6
Parasyte, Volume 6
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2009-01-27 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
Рейтинг Goodreads
In Parasyte, Volume 6, a half-human, half-alien Shinichi has been hiding his true nature from the world. But when other alien invaders led by cruel Tamura discover his secret, he becomes a threat to their plan to destroy the human race. A thrilling sci-fi adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Parasyte Vol. 7 book cover
Книга 7
Parasyte Vol. 7
Iwaaki Hitoshi - 2009-04-28 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This thrilling sci-fi manga follows the story of Shinichi, a high school student whose body has been invaded by an alien parasite. He's the only one who knows the terrible truth: aliens are plotting the destruction of humanity. The government and the invaders are on his tail, leading to a terrifying showdown. This volume includes special extras after the story.
Parasyte, Volume 8 book cover
Книга 8
Parasyte, Volume 8
Hitoshi Iwaaki - 2009-07-28 (впервые опубликовано в 1994)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Experience a Monster Twist in this final volume of a thrilling sci-fi adventure series. As Earth is invaded by alien parasites that possess human bodies, Shinichi must fight to destroy the deadly Goto. However, he unexpectedly finds sympathy for the monster and will soon realize the dark side of human nature – and his own soul. Don't miss the stunning conclusion of Parasyte, complete with special extras.