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Серия книг The 100

Книги серии The 100 по порядку

Day 21 book cover
Сотня book cover
Homecoming book cover
4 книг в серии
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Сотня book cover
Книга 1
Kass Morgan - Sep 03, 2013
Рейтинг Goodreads
Несколько веков на Землю не ступала нога человека - но теперь все должно измениться. После опустошительной атомной войны спасшиеся остатки человечества живут на космических кораблях, вдали от зараженной радиацией поверхности земли. И теперь сотню трудных подростков, которых общество заранее списало в расходы, отправляют на Землю с опасной миссией: заново конолизировать планету. Это задание может стать для них шансом на новую жизнь, а может - приговором.
Day 21 book cover
Книга 2
Day 21
Kass Morgan - Sep 16, 2014
Рейтинг Goodreads
A group of one hundred people are the first humans to set foot on Earth in centuries, or so they thought. In the sequel to The 100 series, Day 21, the group faces unknown enemies and attempts to stay together. As Clarke, Wells, and Bellamy search for other colonists, Glass is forced to make a tough choice between love and life. Relationships are tested, beliefs are challenged and secrets are revealed in this thrilling novel where survival is dependent on each other.
Homecoming book cover
Книга 3
Kass Morgan - Jan 01, 2015
Рейтинг Goodreads
Humanity has made it back home, but the arrival of new dropships threatens the delicate balance the Hundred have created on Earth. GLASS, CLARKE, WELLS, and BELLAMY must come together to fight for their newfound freedom before it's too late.
Rebellion book cover
Книга 4
A Dark High School Romance (The Sainthood - Boys of Lowell High Book 2)
Siobhan Davis - Apr 10, 2020
Рейтинг Goodreads
In "Rebellion", a young woman seeks revenge for her father's death and rebels against those who try to control her. As rival gangs battle for ultimate power, she plays a dangerous game and uncovers secrets that reveal the extent of betrayal and corruption. She must take down The Sainthood and there's no turning back.
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