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The Treatment book cover
Идентификация book cover
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2021 book cover
6 книг в серии
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Идентификация book cover
Книга 1
Suzanne Young - 2013-04-28
Рейтинг Goodreads
Планету охватила эпидемия самоубийств среди подростков, причины которой выяснить не удается. Правительство пытается противостоять новой пандемии при помощи Программы - проекта лечения юношей и девушек, склонных к суициду. Сотрудники Программы - хендлеры - принудительно увозят заболевших в стационар, где им выборочно стирают память, удаляя "инфицированные" воспоминания, вызывающие депрессию… и тем самым превращают в послушных и счастливых зомби. Как выжить и сохранить свое "я", если доверять нельзя никому - даже собственным родителям и друзьям? На этот вопрос пытаются найти ответ юная Слоун Барстоу и ее друг Джеймс Мерфи. Они уверены: им хватит мужества, чтобы противостоять Программе...
The Treatment book cover
Книга 2
The Treatment
The Program; The Treatment; The Remedy; The Epidemic; The Adjustment; The Complication
Suzanne Young - 2014-04-29
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this chilling and suspenseful sequel, Sloane and James are on the run after barely surviving a suicide epidemic and The Program. They must figure out who to trust and how to take down The Program while dealing with missing memories. The key to unlocking their past lies with the Treatment, but there's only one dose. Can they survive the lies and secrets surrounding them or will The Program claim them in the end?
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2021 book cover
Книга 2
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2021
Maxine Papadakis - 2020-09-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
A comprehensive and authoritative medical guide, perfect for students, residents, and clinicians looking to build their knowledge and expertise. Covering over 1,000 diseases and disorders, this edition includes a "Year in Review" featuring over 180 recent medical advances, as well as quick-access drug treatment tables and diagnostic and treatment algorithms. With up-to-date references and seven bonus chapters available online, this landmark guide is an essential tool for anyone in the medical field.
The Epidemic book cover
Книга 4
The Epidemic
Suzanne Young
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this riveting sequel, a young girl named Quinlan McKee has spent her life acting as other people to give their families closure. However, her last case brings down her entire world and she must set out alone to find Arthur Pritchard, the doctor who's been trying to control her life. Through her journey, she learns the truth about Pritchard's motives and sees that she is the first step in fighting an epidemic. But with all the lies surrounding her, Quinn realizes she has no one left to rely on but herself—even if she doesn't know who that is anymore.
Risk Adjustment Documentation Coding, 2nd Edition book cover
Книга 5
Risk Adjustment Documentation Coding, 2nd Edition
Sheri Poe Bernard Ccs-p Cdeo Cpc Crc - 2018-04-03
Рейтинг Goodreads
This book covers the important topic of capturing medical risk in documentation and coding, which is essential for proper reimbursement, managing cost, and delivering high-quality care. Chronic diseases are prevalent in older patients, and accurately capturing comorbidities is critical for MIPS efficiency ratings. The book offers expert guidelines for coding and documentation, as well as checklists for common chronic diseases, mapping and tabular information, and exercises to test diagnosis abstraction and coding skills. Ideal for medical professionals participating in MIPS, and educators looking to prepare students for certification exams.
The Complication book cover
Книга 6
The Complication
Suzanne Young - 2018-04-24
Рейтинг Goodreads
In the final installment of the New York Times bestselling Program series by Suzanne Young, we dive into the complexities of memory and the true costs of a cure. Tatum Masterson learns this the hard way as she tries to uncover the truth behind a failed memory restoration procedure. With no one left to trust, Tatum must dig into the past and future of The Program to find out what really happened. Join Tatum on her journey to discover the true cost of a cure.