Серия книг Vampire Academy
Книги серии Vampire Academy по порядку
Two races of vampires walk our world. One, the Moroi, are alive and wield elemental magical. The other, the Strigoi, are undead and evil-feeding on the innocent to survive. Rose Hathaway-a half-vampire with poor impulse control-is training to be a bodyguard for a Moroi princess. Learning to decapitate and stake is hard enough, but Rose's real dange…

6 книг в серии
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Ни для кого не тайна, что вампиры существуют на самом деле, живут рядом с нами и пользуются порой своими необычными навыками. Но мало кому известно, что в Америке, в самом сердце Монтаны, имеется настоящая Академия, где вампиры обучаются высокому искусству магии. И не знает почти никто, что в мире идут кровавые вампирские войны и расе мороев противостоит жестокое племя стригоев, вампиров, переступивших черту закона и не гнушающихся убийством. Даже стены Академии, святая святых науки, не слишком надежная защита от происков темных сил. Юная моройская принцесса Лисса и Роза, ее подруга и верный страж, однажды убеждаются в этом, оказавшись в эпицентре грозных событий.
A mortal vampire princess must be protected from the deadliest vampires, the Strigoi. Her best friend, a Dhampir, is dedicated to keeping her safe. But when jealousy and love cause problems on a winter break ski trip, and students go missing, Rose must risk everything to rescue them. The danger is greater than ever before.
A mortal vampire princess with rare earth magic and her Dhampir bodyguard best friend must fight against the never-dying Strigoi. But when forbidden love and a dark evil threaten their lives, sacrifices must be made in order to survive.
A guardian's vow to protect her best friend is put to the ultimate test when the man she loves is turned into a Strigoi. With a rare tattoo marking her kills, Rose Hathaway sets out on a mission to honor her promise to find and potentially save Dimitri. But as she navigates the dangerous world of the undead, Rose must choose between fulfilling her duty or sacrificing everything for eternal love. Get ready for an epic ride with the fourth novel in this thrilling Vampire Academy series.
Love and sacrifice intersect in this fifth novel of the popular Vampire Academy series. Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir’s, but her heart still aches for Dimitri. As graduation approaches, Rose must confront the reality of Dimitri hunting her, while also learning about whispers of a terrifying magic tied to her best friend, Lissa. With devastating consequences looming, Rose must decide what she’s willing to sacrifice for true love. Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead will leave readers eager for the next installment.
Experience the thrilling conclusion to a bestselling series as Rose Hathaway faces her toughest challenge yet. Falsely accused of assassinating a monarch, Rose is imprisoned with time running out for her execution. With the help of Dimitri and Adrian, she must find the one person who can save her life and uncover a shocking new candidate for the royal throne. But when your entire life is dedicated to saving others, who will save you? Join Rose and her friends in Last Sacrifice, the unforgettable finale to this international bestseller.