The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer
The Sun Does Shine
Anthony Hinton
Out on a Limb
Shirley MacLaine
The Book of Awakening
Mark Nepo
The Seeker's Guide
Elizabeth Lesser
Absence of Mind
Marilynne Robinson
The Power of Starting Something Stupid
Richie Norton
The Book of Qualities
J. Ruth Gendler
Why Won't You Apologize?
Harriet Lerner
Kristin Neff
The Dance of Anger
Harriet Lerner
Marriage Rules
Harriet Lerner
The Soul of Money
Lynne Twist
Conscious Business
Fred Kofman
Брать или отдавать? Новый взгляд на психологию отношений
Adam Grant
Unbinding the Heart
Agapi Stassinopoulos
The Art of Gathering
Priya Parker
Taking Sexy Back
Alexandra H. Solomon
Искусство любить
Erich Fromm
Язык Жизни
Marshall B. Rosenberg
The Erotic Mind
Jack Morin