Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think
Hans Rosling
Factfulness by Hans Rosling is an eye-opening book about understanding the world we live in. Rosling reveals the ten biases that distort our perspective and teaches readers how to focus on facts instead. Through lively anecdotes and moving stories, Factfulness empowers readers to see the world clearly and respond to the crises and opportunities of the future. This book is an urgent and essential read for anyone looking to reduce stress and think more clearly about global issues.
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If you read only one book this year, may it be Hans, Anna and Ola Rosling’s Factfullness. Literally mindblowing in today’s world of distorted facts. Ten reasons, backed by examples and facts, on why the world is a better place than our brains might want to think. @OlaRosling – source2019-07-03T21:07:09.000Z
Just finished this amazing, thoughtful & comforting book. I hope you’ll read it. Devastated to read the “outro” that Hans passed away before it was published. Somehow I didn’t know until the end. – source2019-02-10T10:54:53.000Z
I recently finished reading "FACTFULLNESS" by Hans Rosling. Bill Gates says the book is, "One of the most important books I have ever read - an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world." I agree. In the Post-Truth world this book is a must read. 👇🏽 – source2020-06-07T15:25:27.000Z
If you haven't read the book, I very much recommend it.
– Here is the book's site:
– On Amazon it has been rated very well by 3,691 readers. For the Kindle it costs only $2.99 – source2022-08-13T15:03:44.000Z
These two books should be required reading in high school
There is so much about the world that needs fixing, and those issues get their due attention
But there are so many REMARKABLE improvements in the quality of human life, too
The optimist framing is invaluable – source2020-10-21T21:04:34.000Z
ICYMI: My choice of the best five Books on critical thinking @five_books – source2019-01-27T22:43:51.000Z
I read Factfullness. Anyone who doesn't know the facts in it should read it both for its optimistic take and the mental habits it encourages. But then you should extend those same habits to the many less positive facts omitted by the book. My review – source2018-07-03T17:36:51.000Z
@cblatts @poverty_action - Factfulness by @HansRosling
- Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
- Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton
- Madam President by @helenecooper
- Born a Crime by @Trevornoah
All of these have excellent audio books, too. – source2018-09-04T18:56:28.000Z
I just finished reading Factfulness — if you read just one non-fiction book this year, this should be it. A clear-headed, useful book on seeing the whole world more rationally. Plus it's hard to put down. And, the data viz is A++ – source2021-08-16T12:54:20.000Z
Factfulness, by Hans Roslin is one of the most important books I’ve ever read. In a world of distorted facts, the frames this book gives you are a game-changer. – source2018-10-11T21:31:03.000Z
"Cultures, nations religions, and people are not rocks. They are in constant transformation." Indeed - look to the East for inspiration.
Thank you @DanLatimore for the #book recommendation. 🙏📚
@OlaRosling #Factfulness
#reading #inspiration #humanity – source2018-12-09T08:47:24.000Z
Factfulness - Book review
NEVER assume; DON'T 'think'; ALWAYS know.
My favourite principle so beautifully captured in this compact, easy-to-breeze-through, amazing book. Deeply detailed, well researched, Factfulness IS very factful.
See pic for review – source2019-03-01T10:17:15.000Z
Day 3 of #goread. Covers of books you have been influenced by. Today I nominate @mickfealty. – source