57 books on the list
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A titanic struggle is taking place - not just among corporate titans, but among entire industries across the globe. At stake is control of the world's fastest-growing communications. The contestants are the huge Hollywood studios, the television networks, and telephone, publishing, and computer companies. The prize is not only vast wealth, but a vi...
Patrick OShaughnessy
2023-02-04T13:56:13.000ZThe latest Scandinavian publishing phenomenon is not a Stieg Larsson thriller, and it’s not the comfort of Danish Hygge. It’s Lars Mytting’s Norwegian Wood , a full-color practical book about the art and craft of handling wood for heating that has become an international bestseller, selling over 200,000 copies in Norway and Sweden....

Lessons from the Titans
What Companies in the New Economy Can Learn from the Great Industrial Giants to Drive Sustainable Success
Discover valuable and timeless lessons in success from America's industrial giants, the high-tech companies of their day. Written by top Wall Street analysts, this guide offers insights from companies like General Electric, United Technologies, and Caterpillar, including their successes and missteps. Learn how to weather market upheavals, adapt to disruptions, and optimize your resources to your best advantage. With illuminating case studies and brilliant analysis, this book provides hard-won lessons in innovation, growth, resilience, and operational excellence. Gain a personal toolbox of useful takeaways from more than a century’s worth of data, experience, wisdom, and can-do spirit to survive and thrive in today’s ever-changing world.

How the World Really Works
The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where We're Going
Explore the fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity in How the World Really Works. Written by a scientist, this book delves into the modern science and technology that make our lives possible, and what they really accomplish. Learn about energy and food production, our material world and its globalization, risks, our environment, and its future. With a thought-provoking and interdisciplinary approach, this book provides a reality check on the world around us, revealing hidden truths that will change the way you see our uncertain future.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-30T20:00:05.000ZDiscover the fascinating history of risk and probability with this insightful book. From ancient Greek gamblers to modern chaos theory, Peter Bernstein explores how humans have attempted to comprehend and manage risk. Explore how risk impacts everything from game theory to winemaking in this timely and comprehensive read.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-30T20:00:05.000ZExplore the global pursuit of oil, money, and power in this Pulitzer Prize-winning account. Discover the history of oil and its current impact on global energy crisis. With over 300,000 copies in print and updated to reflect current times, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the world's dependence on oil.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-30T20:00:05.000ZDiscover the towering themes of history with this accessible compendium of philosophy and social progress. The Lessons of History is a concise survey of culture and civilization, taking readers on a journey through the possibilities and limitations of humanity over time. Pulitzer Prize-winning historians Will and Ariel Durant juxtapose great lives, ideas, and accomplishments with cycles of war and conquest, revealing the essence of our own existence.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-29T23:49:32.000ZDiscover the secrets to making a company continually successful with 7 Powers. Hamilton Helmer breaks new ground with a comprehensive strategy toolset that's easy to learn and apply. Using real-world examples, Helmer develops a practical theory rooted in the notion of Power - those conditions that create the potential for long-term advantage. Learn when to establish your Power and target its implementation during the Origination, Take-Off, or Stability phases of your business. This book is the must-have compass for your business's future success.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-15T00:50:24.000ZRecommended by
Peep Laja
Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t
And Other Tough-Love Truths to Make You a Better Writer
Discover the secret to becoming a successful writer with this book's mantra: NOBODY WANTS TO READ YOUR SH*T. From empathy to imagination, this guide teaches you how to transform your writing from amateur to professional by understanding what engages your readers. Learn how to create interesting, fun, challenging, and inventive stories that keep your readers coming back for more.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-15T00:50:24.000ZRecommended by
Derek SiversDiscover uncharted frontiers and create new inventions - this is the main topic of Zero to One. Peter Thiel, the legendary entrepreneur and investor, believes that progress should not be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. In fact, he argues that progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. Thiel's book presents an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and provides a new way of thinking about innovation, starting with learning to ask the right questions to find value in unexpected places. If you want to build a better future, this book is a must-read.
Patrick OShaughnessy
2022-11-15T00:50:24.000ZThe Matter With Things by Iain McGilchrist
Winning by Tim S. Grover
Human as media by Andrey Miroshnichenko
Social Chemistry by Marissa King
One Up by Joost van Dreunen
Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know by Ronald Bailey
Working in Public by Nadia Eghbal
Breath by James Nestor
Alchemy by Rory Sutherland
The Fifth Science by Exurb1a
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Living Life Backward by David Gibson
A Curious Mind by Brian Grazer
Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull
Brick by Brick by David Robertson
The Outsiders by William N. Thorndike
What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell
The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
Creativity by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Don't Just Roll the Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing by Neil Davidson
Freedom from the Known by Jiddu Krishnamurti
The Luxury Strategy by Jean-Noël Kapferer
A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Setting the Table by Danny Meyer
Competition Demystified by Bruce C. Greenwald
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
No Death, No Fear by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Systems Bible by John Gall
Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying by Francisco J. Varela
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
Engines That Move Markets by Alasdair Nairn
The Hero and the Outlaw by Margaret Mark, Carol S. Pearson
Positioning by Al Ries
The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1 by Arthur Schopenhauer
Metaphysics by Aristotle
Self-Reliance and Other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Indian Givers by Jack Weatherford
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell
The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran