Getting Things Done
David Allen
Discover a revolutionary approach to getting things done with this influential book on personal organization. Originally published decades ago, it has become a classic and spawned a whole culture of tools, websites, and seminars. This updated edition, rewritten by the author himself, adds new material and glossary, making it an evergreen resource for years to come. With cognitive science research validating its principles, it's a must-read for anyone looking to take control of their life and achieve their goals.
Publish Date
first published in 2001
Goodreads Rating
Still the best advice on getting your life in order and freeing up your brain to be creative. I need frequent reminders on the approach laid out in this book, as I fall off the GTD wagon often. But every time I get back on I instantly feel happier and more in control. (If you’re familiar with GTD but need a reminder, check out Allen’s newer Making it All Work.) – source2022-03-27T19:00:43.000Z
This book had a bigger effect on my day-to-day practices and productivity than any book I've ever read. (It's also why I, like every GTD aficionado, treasure my label-making machine.)
#DanielPink #DavidAllen #GettingThingsDone – source2005-04-30T00:00:00.000Z
Classic book with near-cult following. How to manage every last itty bitty tiny thing in your life. Keep your inbox empty. – source2019-11-23T16:32:25.000Z
If you’re like me and have trouble sleeping because your mind keeps telling you all the stuff you need to do, this book is great:
I’m amazed at how much less busy my brain feels, especially at night. – source2019-11-12T01:19:21.000Z
3: Put First Things First
Getting Things Done by David Allen
(before reading the book, I thought it would be 100% about productivity methodologies like this) – source