Michael McCullough
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Michael McCullough is an American investor in healthcare and life science companies, social entrepreneur, and emergency room doctor. He was a Rhodes Scholar. He lives in Palo Alto, California.
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The Start-up of You
Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
Learn how to accelerate your career in today's competitive world by managing it like a start-up business. The Start-Up of You is a revolutionary guide that teaches the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups and how to apply them to your career. This book will show you how to adapt to changes, win the best jobs and opportunities, build powerful alliances, find breakout opportunities, take proactive risks, and tap into your network for smarter decision making. Become the CEO of your career and take control of your future with The Start-Up of You.
Michael McCullough
Discover how checklists can revolutionize the way we operate in a complex world with this compelling bestseller. Atul Gawande explores how the volume and complexity of knowledge in various realms of organized activity have exceeded our ability to deliver consistently and correctly. Using vivid examples from medicine, disaster recovery, and professions of all kinds, Gawande proves how the simple checklist can help us avoid avoidable failures and bring about significant improvements. Learn how a basic surgical checklist created by the World Health Organization is already making a difference and hailed as the "biggest clinical invention in thirty years."

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Discover the life-changing model that became an instant sensation when released. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is an education in living life effectively and achieving success. Learn how to implement Covey's model and understand the hidden implications in this complete and comprehensive guide. Don't miss out on the simple things you can do to navigate your life correctly and become highly effective in all areas of your life.
Discover a revolutionary approach to getting things done with this influential book on personal organization. Originally published decades ago, it has become a classic and spawned a whole culture of tools, websites, and seminars. This updated edition, rewritten by the author himself, adds new material and glossary, making it an evergreen resource for years to come. With cognitive science research validating its principles, it's a must-read for anyone looking to take control of their life and achieve their goals.