5 books on the list
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Discover the secrets to functional strength training with Jailhouse Strong. Based on the workout habits of prisoners, these innovative exercises offer incredible results without the need for expensive gym equipment or memberships. Through interviews with former Mr. Olympia champions and Crips street gang co-founders, Jailhouse Strong provides comprehensive programs for lifting, bodyweight movements, and conditioning with unarmed combat techniques. Whether you're a busy professional or working a 9-5, Jailhouse Strong can fit into your schedule and help you achieve emotional balance while getting stronger.
Discover how checklists can revolutionize the way we operate in a complex world with this compelling bestseller. Atul Gawande explores how the volume and complexity of knowledge in various realms of organized activity have exceeded our ability to deliver consistently and correctly. Using vivid examples from medicine, disaster recovery, and professions of all kinds, Gawande proves how the simple checklist can help us avoid avoidable failures and bring about significant improvements. Learn how a basic surgical checklist created by the World Health Organization is already making a difference and hailed as the "biggest clinical invention in thirty years."
This book explores how the media can easily switch from promoting the harms of alcohol to recommending its daily consumption, and how drugs that cause heart attacks are still approved. Ben Goldacre exposes quack doctors and biased scientific studies while teaching readers how to evaluate placebo effects and sample sizes, so they can recognize bad science when they see it.
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Bryan Callen
The Warrior Diet
Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body
The Warrior Diet takes inspiration from ancient cultures to offer a radical, yet surprisingly simple approach to lifestyle overhaul. Drawing on scientific studies and historical data, the book advocates working and eating sparingly during the day and filling up at night. The program includes finding ideal fuel foods and special drills to reshape both body and mind. With chapters covering meals, recipes, sex drive, and personalizing the diet for women, The Warrior Diet offers a sustainable solution for lasting vigor, strength, appearance, and increased vitality and health.
Charles Poliquin