![Liar's Poker book cover](https://img.readthistwice.com/unsafe/480x720/books/24032f7f-0765-4d20-ac43-2888a4931439.jpg)
Liar's Poker
Michael Lewis
Liar's Poker takes readers behind-the-scenes of Wall Street in the 1980s, following the rise of a fresh Princeton and London School of Economics graduate into a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. With hilarious anecdotes, Lewis recounts the frat-boy culture, ambitious gambling, and deception rampant in the once-in-a-lifetime age of American business.
Publish Date
first published in 1989
Goodreads Rating
People sometimes ask me like “I want to go into finance, what books should I read,” and I always say “well Liar’s Poker and Barbarians at the Gate of course” before getting into more specific recommendations. I might add Diary of a Very Bad Year to the “of course” list. – source2022-09-29T22:31:50.000Z
@bwgooner78 I really don’t have time to explain how financial markets work. Buy Michael Lewis’s book Liar’s Poker. It’s about 30 years old now but it’s absolutely perfect for understanding how mortgages come from finance markets and what bonds are. And it’s a terrifically entertaining read. – source2022-06-23T13:12:36.000Z
@magdaborowik he's really good (I will even forgive him "Flash Boys" and some of the silly stuff about Ireland). Massive tribute to that book that people still talk about "equities in dallas" like forty years later – source