Dan Davies
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Dan Davies is a former regulatory economist at the Bank of England and analyst for a number of investment banks. His career has seen him tackle all manner of financial crookedness, including the LIBOR and FX scandals, the collapse of Anglo Irish Bank and the Swiss Nazi gold scandal.
11 books on the list
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The Fractal Organization
Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model
The world of management is in crisis - the old remedies no longer work and organizations are failing at an increasing rate. Although many talk of 'joined up thinking', few offer practical guidance on how to achieve this in organizations. The Fractal Organization sets down the practical implications of a well tested systemic approach to building o...
Dan Davies
2023-02-23T22:38:50.000ZFoundations of Corporate Success by John Kay offers a fresh approach to the question of what makes a business successful. Rather than relying on military analogies or visions, Kay argues that outstanding businesses derive their strength from a distinctive structure of relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers. This book sheds light on the success and failure of national economies and provides vital insights into effective business strategies. A must-read for anyone looking to understand what distinguishes a successful company.
Dan Davies
2022-12-06T21:32:38.000ZExplore the fascinating history and impact of focus groups with Divining Desire. Author Liza Featherstone traces the roots of this marketing tool and showcases its use in everything from politics to the launch of new products. Discover the paradox of increasing consultations with seemingly decreasing power, and the role of focus groups in democracy and consumer society.
Dan Davies
2022-07-31T22:55:20.000ZLiar's Poker takes readers behind-the-scenes of Wall Street in the 1980s, following the rise of a fresh Princeton and London School of Economics graduate into a bond salesman at Salomon Brothers. With hilarious anecdotes, Lewis recounts the frat-boy culture, ambitious gambling, and deception rampant in the once-in-a-lifetime age of American business.
Dan Davies
2022-06-23T13:12:36.000ZDiscover the hidden truths of Los Angeles with this captivating read. Delve into the city's power struggles, exploring who controls the money and the ongoing battle between the privileged and the underprivileged.
Octopus is a fascinating and suspenseful true story about a hedge fund fraud and the hunt for a hidden market beneath the financial world. This page-turner follows the rise and fall of Sam Israel, a hedge fund manager who promised guaranteed profits with a proprietary computer program. But when his fund implodes, he sets off on a reckless quest to make billions in a mysterious market run by the Fed. Full of colorful characters and danger, this book will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Dan Davies
The Inside Story of the World's Biggest Mining Scam
"Dive into the captivating investigation of a modern day financial scandal with BRE-X. The author, Jennifer Wells, sheds light on one of the most perplexing business scandals in history. In this book, she delves into the intricate web of secrets, motives, and individuals involved in this incredible fraud. Even today, with investigators still on the case, the question of who is truly to blame remains a mystery."
Dan Davies
2021-04-17T17:45:09.000ZThis thrilling historical fiction follows the story of a man who discovers his true talent for forgery in the midst of colonial life in Angola. He becomes one of the greatest fraudsters of the Twentieth Century, falsifying diplomas, government documents, currency, and countless checks. This book is based on the true story of a master swindler and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Dan Davies
2021-04-17T17:45:09.000ZThis inquisitive book by Douglas R. Hofstadter delves into the very essence of cognitive science - the intricate links between formal systems. Hofstadter explains how the system behind mental activity goes beyond its support system, and questions whether machines may one day attain human-level intelligence. Gödel, Escher, Bach covers a range of captivating topics from reduction to recursion, offering readers an intriguing exploration of the intricacies of meaning.
Dan Davies
2021-02-03T11:04:36.000ZLudwig Wittgenstein by Ray Monk
The Art of Statistics by David Spiegelhalter