Best Sociology Books
Dive into the collective social experience with the sociology books that stand out in academic circles and public discourse, chosen for their recurring presence in expert commentary and educational resources.

58 books on the list
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In The Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills critiques the current schools of sociology and advocates for a humanist sociology that connects the social, personal, and historical dimensions of our lives. He calls for a sociological vision that sees links between individual problems and important social issues. This highly acclaimed work is a must-read for those interested in social sciences.
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This influential study introduces the concept of "social construction" to the field of social sciences. Written by two renowned sociologists, the book reformulates the sociology of knowledge and is considered one of the most important sociological books of the 20th century.
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Explore the complex world of sociology with this updated introduction to the subject. Analyze the impact of inequality on a global scale with the help of new research examples and in-text tools. This engaging guide is perfect for students looking to navigate today's changing society. Accessible as a digital ebook.
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Uncover the social causes behind the phenomenon of suicide with this classic book by Emile Durkheim, one of the most influential sociologists in the world. Delving deep into the lack of integration of individuals into society, Suicide provides insights into the psychological impact of suicide on the victim, family, and society as a whole.
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Exploring everyday human behavior in social situations, this book presents a unique perspective on how we appear to others. Using the metaphor of theatrical performance, the author analyzes how we present ourselves, guide and control impressions, and sustain our "performance". Based on thorough research and observation, this notable contribution offers insights into social customs and techniques.
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This online book is perfect for students taking an introductory sociology course. It covers sociology theory and research, real-world applications, and features to simplify and debate topics. With learning objectives for each chapter, it's fully customizable. And best of all, it's available for free!
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Explore the biggest questions about society and human interactions with The Sociology Book. This guide profiles over 100 of the world's most renowned sociologists and their ideas on equality, diversity, identity, globalization, institutions, and urban living. Designed for easy navigation and filled with conversation starters, this book provides a must-have, in-a-nutshell overview of some of the most fascinating topics on earth. As part of the award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series, The Sociology Book uses innovative graphics and straightforward writing to make complex subjects accessible and memorable.
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Discover the social distinctions that shape our perceptions of taste, beauty, and class in this classic work by Pierre Bourdieu. Through empirical research and theoretical critique, Bourdieu explores the relationship between systems of classification and social conditions, offering a compelling critique of selective criteria and styles of life. While the final chapter analyzes Kant's use of social categories in his analysis of aesthetic judgment, the heart of the book lies in uncovering the hidden ways that class and taste inform our understanding of the world.
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Explore the evolution of sociological theory with this expertly written guide. Written by acclaimed professor George Ritzer, this book covers everything from the classical theories of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Simmel to modern schools like structural functionalism, neo-Marxism, and feminist theory, as well as integrative and postmodern developments. Whether you're a sociology student or just interested in the history of social theory, this book is a must-read.
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A must-read for college students, The Real World delves into the fascinating subject of sociology with the help of relatable, real-life examples. Written in a style that resonates with modern-day learners, the book covers topics like relationships, employment, and the future of society. The Data Workshops featured in every chapter provide ample opportunities for students to apply the theories to their lives, making this an engaging and interactive read. With budget-friendly formats and a comprehensive support system, The Real World is the ultimate guide for students looking to ace their sociology classes.
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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber
Evicted by Matthew Desmond
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Essential Sociology - For Civil Services Main Examination by Seema
Haralambos & Holborn Sociology by Haralambos
Discipline & Punish by Michel Foucault
The Civilizing Process by Norbert Elias
Economy and Society by Max Weber
A Dictionary of Sociology by John Scott
Rural Sociology by S. L. Doshi
Handbook of Indian Sociology by Veena Das
Caste by M. N. Srinivas
Bowling Alone by Robert D. Putnam
Sociology by James M. Henslin
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Sociology by Anthony Giddens
An Introduction To Political Theory 7/Ed by O. P Gaba
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
You May Ask Yourself by Dalton Conley
Sociology by Margaret L. Andersen
Essentials of Sociology by Richard P. Appelbaum
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
Humankind by Rutger Bregman
The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi
Normal Accidents by Charles Perrow
The Death of Expertise by Tom Nichols
The Second Shift by Arlie Hochschild
The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills
Capital by Karl Marx
Social Background Of Indian Nationalism by A. R. Desai
Outsiders by Howard S. Becker
The Family by Philip N. Cohen
David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
Invitation to Sociology by Peter L. Berger
Social Change in Modern India by M. N. Srinivas
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
Race, Class, & Gender by Margaret L. Andersen
The Division of Labor in Society by Emile Durkheim
Introducing Sociology by John Nagle
The Rules of Sociological Method by Emile Durkheim
Sociology by David M. Newman
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Indian Society And Culture by Continuity and Change
Modernization of Indian tradition by Yogendra S Singh