No Rules Rules
Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention
Reed Hastings
Discover the unconventional management principles that helped Netflix become an innovative and successful company. Rejecting traditional practices, cofounder Reed Hastings valued people over process, encouraged innovation over efficiency, and gave employees freedom and responsibility. In No Rules Rules, Hastings and business thinker Erin Meyer explore the philosophy behind the Netflix culture, drawing from interviews with past and present employees to reveal the untold story of a company that has revolutionized the entertainment industry.
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Goodreads Rating
Reed, his people, and his culture are all of star quality. I recommend his book.
(3/3) – source2020-12-29T00:50:39.000Z
Great point. As far as I can tell almost everything they do at Netflix is smart. I loved his book The No Rules Rules. – source2020-09-08T18:29:52.000Z
Happy publication day to @reedhastings & Erin Mayer.
If you want to know the secrets of @Netflix, read the book by its CEO. Fascinating and will make you think differently about the organisation where you work. – source2020-09-15T21:05:55.000Z
Loving the new Reed Hastings-Erin Meyer book.
In particular, admire @ErinMeyerINSEAD intellectual honesty. Netflix seems to practice the opposite of everything she believes in and she’s genuinely curious about what makes it so remarkably successful. – source2020-12-27T08:23:12.000Z
No rules rules - book review.
Stunning. Hard to swallow. Deep learnings.
- super example of HOW to write a biz book! @ErinMeyerINSEAD does a gr8 job with @reedhastings
- plentiful insights on ideas, no policies, power of talent etc to imbibe.
notes - – source