Nonviolent Communication
A Language of Life
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Discover how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections in this international bestseller. With solutions for communication problems at home and in the workplace, this guide provides guidance on identifying and articulating feelings and needs, expressing anger fully, and exploring the power of empathy to communicate honestly and without hostility. Learn to break patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression, and communicate with compassion. Featuring stories, examples, and sample dialogues, the latest edition includes a chapter on conflict resolution and mediation.
Publish Date
first published in 1999
Goodreads Rating
Upon becoming CEO, Nadella confronted Microsoft’s legendarily combative culture by urging his new reports to read this book, which preaches the power of empathy, self-awareness, and authenticity in collaboration in the workplace, at home, and beyond. Like many of his favorites, it was first recommended to him by his wife, Anu: “I’m heavily influenced by the books she reads more than the books I read.” – sourceThe central idea is that, unbeknownst to us, there’s a lot of violence in the way we communicate with others—and with ourselves. – source
Books i read in 2018.
Didn't add the books i didn't like and/or finish (mostly non-fiction)
You will notice i read primarily SciFi, Hard SciFi or (to keep variety) Space SciFi
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Want to eastablish a reading habit in 2019 🙌 – source2019-05-22T17:31:08.000Z
@amyvpellegrini I really liked a book called Difficult Conversations. I also love the book Nonviolent Communication for conflicts. – source