A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari
Discover the story of human history, from the first humans to walk the earth to today's modern society. Explore how we came to believe in gods, nations, and human rights, and how our societies were shaped by the Cognitive, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions. Sapiens covers it all, using insights from biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics to challenge our beliefs about what it means to be human. Are we happier now than we were before? Can we change our behavior and influence the future? Dr. Yuval Noah Harari's provocative and wide-ranging book will challenge the way you think about our species and our place in the world.
Publish Date
first published in 2011
Goodreads Rating
I would recommend this book to anyone interested in a fun, engaging look at early human history. – source
I’ve said it before and I’ll definitely say it in the future, the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is truly mind-blowing. It’s changed the way I look at almost everything. I can’t endorse it enough. – source2015-03-21T12:33:16.000Z
American Like Me by @AmericaFerrera & Sapiens -A Brief History of Humankind @harari_yuval – source2018-12-25T22:43:57.000Z
Really enjoying “Sapiens” by yuval_noah_harari It really puts in perspective how bizarre human beings are. It’s an awesome overview of our species. – source2018-10-23T00:00:00.000Z
It’s an amazing book on the beginning of humanity. It’s scientific but also philosophical. It’s written by Yuval Noah Harari. I heard him speak and it’s fascinating. It’s about humanity and how we came to be. It’s a book that I carried around for a while but it’s like 500 pages. – source2015-03-21T12:33:16.000Z
Unbelievably good book. Jaw dropping from the first word to the last. Best £9.99 I've spent in ages. – source2017-12-25T10:50:07.000Z
@Savo_Heleta Just a little quote from Yuval Harari's Sapiens, one of the best books I read this year. Someone should have given it to you for Christmas, if you are prepared to look beyond your Fanon blinkers. – source2022-12-02T23:01:11.000Z
Understanding how we got to this point is essential in figuring out the path forward.
Add #Sapiens to your weekend reading list, it's a gem. – source2015-03-21T19:33:16.000Z
"Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari is the best book I've read since "The Rational Optimist" (@mattwridley). Both orthogonal and deep thinkers. – sourceIt explains human behavior and why we are the way we are in human civilization from soup to nuts. And I’ve read it now a couple of times. It’s a pretty astonishing book. – source
3 books I recommended on Pomp's podcast.
These books help you understand how our world works (or doesn’t work). This understanding is essential for success. – source2018-01-27T20:58:36.000Z
People often ask me what to read. Better to LISTEN to a book like @harari_yuval book SAPIENS so you can navigate today’s lunacy. All members of the press should read this book twice. Get out of your echo chambers! – source2016-12-30T18:51:01.000Z
I'm sitting on Miami Beach in the sun reading this excellent book, drinking rosé, listening to cheesy 90s R&B.
2016 has a kiss in its tail – source2015-03-21T12:33:16.000Z
I resisted reading this popular history of mankind, because it came out when I had just finished “Guns, Germs, and Steel” and “Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches”, on the same subject. But wow - this book is at its best when the author is sharing his personal perspective about binding myths, humanism, and other ways that “truths” are not true. And you get an interesting history of the world along with it. Strange mix of history and philosophy. – source2022-02-25T05:13:28.000Z
13. Sapiens
35 years
A delightfully wonderful book. Just as "Brief history of time", Yuval skillfully simplified the journey of our civilization. Making me fall in love with the art of teaching, yet again. – sourceBasically one of the things we've created here is we've imagined ideas that we all share. – source
@AriDavidPaul Sapiens by Harari. Other books I love that aren't recent reads:
Seabiscuit and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. She is the master when it comes to storytelling.
Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick, written in the 90s but timely
Random Family by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc – source2020-10-17T06:24:59.000Z
I am almost halfway through my second reading of this thought provoking book. Interesting how much l had not taken in the first time l read the book. – source2015-09-12T00:55:47.000Z
@dcurtis Sapiens is the best book of the last decade. Upside of Stress will change your life. – source2018-09-09T21:33:10.000Z
@chronic_trader I tried but I cant do ten and there isn't enough room for a full list so books Ive recently enjoyed are:
Homo Deus
The Silk Road
The Lean Start Up
Trust me Im lying
Chaos Monkeys
David Bowie - A life
Why Minksy Matters
The Sheltering Sky
The Undoing Project – source2015-03-21T12:33:16.000Z
One of the most talked about books of the last couple of years, and for good reason. Both sobering and conservatively optimistic in equal measure, it seems even more relevant for us at the moment to learn from our socio-anthropological history. – source2015-03-21T12:33:16.000Z
Q: Are there any books you haven’t mentioned that you feel would make your reading list?
P.A.: I would also include the following books: The Emperor of All Maladies, Where Men Win Glory, The President’s Club, The Most Important Thing, Sapiens, The Hard Thing About Hard Things, 10 Percent Happier, The Rommel Papers, King of the World, The Corner and Good Calories, Bad Calories. – source2016-03-31T05:42:58.000Z
Some books should be read twice (or more). This is one of them. On my second reading now. – source2016-12-31T19:53:27.000Z
I read 95 books in 2016.
Best non-fiction: Sapiens, Saving Capitalism, The New Jim Crow, The Social Animal, Story (by McKee). – source2019-09-10T00:00:00.000Z
I couldn’t put Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari down. I found Harari’s writing to be engaging yet academic and authoritative—that’s not easy to do. It inspired me to see if my writing could have a similar impact. – source2015-08-12T12:30:22.000Z
Have you read the book, Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari? Great read. Here's his @TEDTalks on the topic. Mind=blown: – source2019-01-08T04:57:19.000Z
Day 3: I’ve been nominated by @filadin to post covers of 7 books that I love with no explanations or reviews. Each time I post I will ask another to take up the challenge. Today I nominate @bluebirds4418 – source2021-04-15T20:46:29.000Z
@ThuesenMartin I love this book. I've read it as a book and listened on audio. I need to read it several more times to take it all in! – source2021-10-01T22:21:59.000Z
Wonderful book!
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
by Yuval Noah Harari
Francis Bacon said history can make us wise.
Here is a history of the whole human race! – source2014-11-05T19:37:28.000Z
I cannot recommend Yuval Harari's book, Sapiens, enough.
Here's my favourite bit about the need for stories. – source2020-10-18T06:08:46.000Z
@Trader_Calm Yeah, of the few books that you can feel yourself getting smarter as you read them :)
I would put Taleb's Incerto series also in these category of books. – source2021-10-20T22:47:26.000Z
@JJFilson Great book and agree. But can wealth just be created by desire? It may not be a zero sum game but aren’t there some constraints? If we keep creating more and more wealth mechanisms, can we just buy more things with no downside? – source